ZOMG, where can I start with that article, the gril who wrote it is borderline haught, but thats all thats going for it.
everything else is of the most pure fail.
1) scaling new heights, erm, not new, 100yrs old, and not that heigh, and people have done it before, and they'll do it again, mmmm k.
2) cheap thrill, uhhhhE, is not cheap, costs me thousands, thousands more than I can afford, but I pay for it with the penny's I get left over after the monthly taxfuck.
3) I want angry shouting korean gentlemens babies, though I beleive Silo is too old for me, and how they can describe him as a youngster is beyond me, unless the author herself is 97?? I feel old.
and that concludes my brick analysis of said article