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Report - - Selma Plantation Mansion, Leesburg VA, USA March 2015 | European and International Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Selma Plantation Mansion, Leesburg VA, USA March 2015

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I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
I can certainly see why you fell in love with that place, it's absolutely gorgeous! Do you have the link to the facefool page, be interesting to see what the family have done with the place now.

Good to see you back as well :thumb

Another fantastic report and what a place i bet it looks amazing now...

Cheers guys, it certainly is something special now - Selma Mansion Rebirth

Good to see you back actually. Damn all this internet ego and bullshit.

Exactly that. I've always classed this forum as my 'home' so it's good to be home again!