So this little tale popped up in conversation with
@UrbanDuck this week on our daily WhatsApp chat
It went along the lines of
“Mockney do you remember that day when we dressed up as …”
I’ll explain lol
See we had long since decided that we were done with Sevs, it was being pulled down, we had seen the best of it, so best let sleeping dogs lie.
But you know how it is, you get an idea, try to forget it and it just niggles and niggles away at you.
Well that’s kinda how this started.
At the beginning of April 2018 I had found myself over Sevs way for work and had a little wander over to look and see what was going on. I got chatting to the man on the gate who almost let me wander in, and would have if maybe I had the correct PPE on.
Now this got me thinking and again chatting to
@UrbanDuck .
What if?
Then we did..
Maybe we could..
So a plan was hatched to see how much front we had and how convincing we could be.
We downloaded the Bloor Homes logo from their handy website and a friend of mine printed me out some very convincing stickers.
Screwfix provided a couple of their £3 hard hats and a couple of Hi-Viz vests and after some careful sticker application we were ready.
So that was it a week later on what was a scorching hot day we parked up near Sevs, dressed in sensible clothes, donned our hard hats and out Hi-Viz vests, stuck our cameras on their tripods and almost official looking we made our way up to the gate.
We joined a group of other workers and ghosted our way into the site.
The next ten minutes or so were a little tense but we were soon wandering around the site without a care in the world. Workers saying hello, even chatting to us about what they were up too and how much they enjoyed working on the parts they were restoring. It was great!
The front facade is the only part of the echelon system of the main hospital that has been kept. Its conversion to accommodation was well under way.
The site looked so much bigger with a lack of buildings
The tower looked every bit as menacing as always
We even managed a guided tour of Larch House, the Alcohol dependency unit.