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Report - - Shoreham Cement Works, Revisit - July 2024 | Industrial Sites |

Report - Shoreham Cement Works, Revisit - July 2024


"Landie" or Harry
Regular User
So as we come to the end of another year; this was my last proper explore this year; its been such a slow one for various reasons, but I'm gonna try and get out there again soon before the end of the year! I've had a lot of other things on this year but I am still raring to go. This was a nice little revisit of a site I did back in May 2021, and by God has this one decayed in that time! It's so much worse now and LETHAL inside, so if you are inexperienced in exploring, mind your step!

May 2021 Report

This was also the explore which claimed one of my Nifty Fifty 50mm Lenses which fell out of my coat pocket, and about 80ft onto solid concrete; where it literally exploded!

I think we mostly know the history of this one. It closed in 1991 and is really showing it all around. I managed to get onto the roof this visit which was a nice bonus. I saw a lot from here which I didn't see first time round; such as the inside of one of the kilns. It really has quite a nice vibe to it; and forgive the goon term "apocalyptic" to a degree; though it does have a fair bit of graff.































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Goes where the Buddleia grows
Regular User
Great work, still havent done this myself, I thought on last report people were saying this is now impossible :rofl
Neither have I haha. Put it off for years. Drove past it in the summer and it looked even more impressive than the impression you can get from pictures. Truly an abandoned monster it seemed!


"Landie" or Harry
Regular User
Great work, still havent done this myself, I thought on last report people were saying this is now impossible :rofl
I went in the summer!

Nice to see this again mate. Bet them walkways around the kilns are getting a bit sketchy now.
Utterly lethal. But a sight to see!

Neither have I haha. Put it off for years. Drove past it in the summer and it looked even more impressive than the impression you can get from pictures. Truly an abandoned monster it seemed!
It is well worth doing. It's a lovely vibe!


Surprisingly Unsurprising
Regular User
Always surprised how well this place has held on, considering how long it has been out of use.
Nice pics, the motor hall is such a nice area here.

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Nice update. A few areas I haven't seen before. The decay is stunning and those lights. 👍


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
Wtf, not even a shitty little fence surrounding it?

You should have a fall next time, could surely make a claim.

If you discount the fence along the main road and the quarry with the fence surrounding it that is. The grounds are used by a haulage company so fencing everything off would be awkward for them.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Always nice to see this pop up, another one of those classic sites I'd love to do but never got round to it. Nice pictures.


g00n Buster
Staff member
Nicely captured mate. Really wish I popped in here when I was working down there. The traffic around it put me off though being in my works van :-(


"Landie" or Harry
Regular User
Always surprised how well this place has held on, considering how long it has been out of use.
Nice pics, the motor hall is such a nice area here.
I know. You’d expect it to have caved in on itself. The motor area is right by seccas patrol so you’ve gotta be prepared to duck down as he passes.

Great report mate, nice to see it again :thumb
Thanks mate. Don’t mind a bit of this one!

Nice update. A few areas I haven't seen before. The decay is stunning and those lights. 👍
Thank you! It really is nice isn’t it.

Wtf, not even a shitty little fence surrounding it?

You should have a fall next time, could surely make a claim.
Oh there is bits. And also a small amount of climbing. But nothing awful.
If you discount the fence along the main road and the quarry with the fence surrounding it that is. The grounds are used by a haulage company so fencing everything off would be awkward for them.
Exactly. It’s not like there isn’t anything at all. But yeah grounds are in use!

Always nice to see this pop up, another one of those classic sites I'd love to do but never got round to it. Nice pictures.
Do it. Before it’s gone.

Nicely captured mate. Really wish I popped in here when I was working down there. The traffic around it put me off though being in my works van :-(
Always the way mate. But it’s worth a pop!