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Report - Silverlands Orphanage, Surrey - Sept 19

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Does anyone remember a day, back in 2012, when places like silverlands, pyestock and CMH use to be around? Back when urban exploration use to be a fairly quiet hobby, where photographers would take photos and leave...Now its absolutely riddled with GOONS, GIMBALS and GHOST STORIES.....


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Does anyone remember a day, back in 2012, when places like silverlands, pyestock and CMH use to be around? Back when urban exploration use to be a fairly quiet hobby, where photographers would take photos and leave...Now its absolutely riddled with GOONS, GIMBALS and GHOST STORIES.....
I guess you either believe in that kinda thing or you don’t , I’m not a massive believer but when we were in there we did get some footage of unexplainable stuff lol

paddington bear

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Soo I’m new to all this .. we went to Silverlands at night , went through the Forrest , had to jump over about 15 barb wire fences and through a couple of fields to find a tall metal razor wire fence all the way around :( finally found a little hole we could climb under and got in , walked all the way around the building and found 1 window on the ground floor with an opening , we stood there and looked in for ages and my mate heard something so we backed off , eventually we went back to the window and looked in only to find find some one coming towards us with a torch but didn’t say anything .. was soo creepy so we ran ... could this have been security ??

Sorry...that may have been my phone on our night shoot on the lift shaft :)

paddington bear

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Just a little update...I've not been up top for a couple of weeks but there has been a Premiere patrol outside twice now.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Just a little update...I've not been up top for a couple of weeks but there has been a Premiere patrol outside twice now.
It was at the entrance window where the man came at us with the torch , been back a few times now and it’s lost it’s novelty a bit now as it’s all soo broken in there :(

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