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Report - - St Joseph's Orphanage, Preston - June 2019 | Asylums and Hospitals | Page 3 |

Report - St Joseph's Orphanage, Preston - June 2019

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28DL Member
28DL Member
I got inside the orphanage earlier this week. The caravan is still in the central courtyard but it has a cover on top of it and it looks like nobody's been inside it in a while. I'm guessing the on-site security left because of Covid? Or it could be a sign that the latest development plans have fallen through again.

The site is definitely still manned though. The entry point my group was planning to use was boarded up (a metal cabinet filled with concrete cinderblocks and propped up by wooden planks nailed into the floor had been leant against the window) - so I think you'd struggle to find a way in now. Everything's covered in anti-vandal paint.

The floors have collapsed quite seriously in one of the wings of the building so it's quite hard to get between the orphanage section (I think) and the hospital. You can either go through the courtyard or try your luck going through the collapsed section.

A final word of warning to anyone planning to visit is one of the basement levels. The floor down there is flooded and it stinks. There's a door with a danger sign on it which leads into a circuit breaker room. I spent maybe a minute down there and as I started walking back up the stairs I went light-headed and almost blacked out. I'm guessing there's some kind of gas trapped in that room (methane or carbon monoxide?) so I'd steer clear.

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