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Report - - Stallington Hall Hospital, a decade of decay 2006 - 2015 | Asylums and Hospitals | Page 2 |

Report - Stallington Hall Hospital, a decade of decay 2006 - 2015

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Is it still available for pics or has it been demolished like many other greats :(
It's still there, looking very decrepit now though, be careful of some of the floors if your gonna visit and I'd go sooner rather than later before it gets any worse!


28DL Member
28DL Member
Is it still available for pics or has it been demolished like many other greats :(

Hey, we went today and could not find a way in at all, not to mention the second we pulled up all the neighbours were out on the road asking us if we'd been in and saying they were going to call the police, whoever got in here was a magician cus its completely fenced off and far too public :(


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I'm surprised, I went in only 3 weeks ago & it was easy! Went over a field through the wood and into the back of the building no worries.


28DL Member
28DL Member
I'm surprised, I went in only 3 weeks ago & it was easy! Went over a field through the wood and into the back of the building no worries.
What field?? We went through the housing estate and come up to the front with had metal spikey gates, how do you get to the field?


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Hey, we went today and could not find a way in at all, not to mention the second we pulled up all the neighbours were out on the road asking us if we'd been in and saying they were going to call the police, whoever got in here was a magician cus its completely fenced off and far too public :(
Thanks. Might give it a go will let you all know how it goes

Paddy B

28DL Member
28DL Member
We entered at the main gate.... there was a hole in the fence next to it and somebody had been kind enough to put nails in the fencing to make the small climb easier and even sofa cushions on each side as handy crash mats! Access to the building was through an unboarded window on the right hand side.

The fire some years ago did enough damage to allow the elements to quickly wreck the place further. No doubt the recent torrential rain will have collapsed a few more floors/ceilings.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Thanks for the photos. It's interesting (and very sad) to see the decay over the past 10 years. I went here myself a few months ago but wasn't brave enough to climb into the grounds with all the houses that backed onto it.
I know just how you feel :)


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
This is amasing and incredibly beautiful, thanks for the photos. I was also really impressed with the secret stairs!


28DL Member
28DL Member
Brings back memories. I installed electronic access systems in this place during the early 80s.

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