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Report - - Star Wars VIII Movie Set - Millennium Falcon - Surrey 2016 | Noteworthy Reports | Page 2 |

Report - Star Wars VIII Movie Set - Millennium Falcon - Surrey 2016

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soylent green

28DL Regular User
Regular User
This is amazing. Probably the most famous spaceship in movie history and its landed in Surrey. Top report BHG and Kevin. You are both doing Stella work, or should the be interstellar work
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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Oh look it's night.scape, what a surprise :turd:wanker

Yup him, some dude named HD.XR and Marcus Paul Wilson? We waited 3 hours this morning but 5 of them covering top sides and bottom now plus they've parked a van in front of it... Couldn't even get close enough for a shot


Staff member
Was always going to be the case sadly, seems to be happening quite a bit recently and the same names keep popping up :rolleyes:

Let this one have the exposure it deserves now :thumb

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