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Report - - State Cinema, Grays August 2023 | Theatres and Cinemas | Page 3 |

Report - State Cinema, Grays August 2023

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
From the pictures i have seen the Stelmar is still up there just been pushed over and is now resting against the cake stand back to front with the gel holder still attached to it


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
As a retired film projectionist and theatre tech going back to the early sixties , I have to say I took a silent gasp when I saw your excellent , but to me , sad photos taken in the projection room . I am very familiar with those Peerless Projector arc lamps , usually baring the name of J Frank Brockless . Wow the memories . Carbon trim , and neg electrode adjustments to maintain that hard flat , probably 2 1/2 K. daylight balanced beam .
All to try to reproduce the lighting filmed at whatever shooting location , for whatever blockbuster movie was being projected down onto a white perforated screen , allowing the sound from the huge main speakers directly behind to bring the whole thing to life . Great stuff , hope I did not go on too much .
But a big thank you to you for sharing . Kind regards , Ray .

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