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Report - - Stretford Memorial Hospital, Manchester - November 2018 | Asylums and Hospitals | Page 2 |

Report - Stretford Memorial Hospital, Manchester - November 2018

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
It is but the security has been beefed up lots of new fences etc. I think it’s now used for some kind of storage but not too sure
Hi, where did you find out that it was used for storage. I was the one that wrote the thread about the high security. Personally, I'm not going to go back, just because I got bored of taking photos. Security there are incompetent. Their cabin is placed in the opposite from where you enter, so you'll have no trouble entering.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Hi, where did you find out that it was used for storage. I was the one that wrote the thread about the high security. Personally, I'm not going to go back, just because I got bored of taking photos. Security there are incompetent. Their cabin is placed in the opposite from where you enter, so you'll have no trouble entering.
I’m sure I saw a thread on here about it. All I know they took down the wooden fence put up a metal one and like you say a portacabin. Cheers for the update too.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I’m sure I saw a thread on here about it. All I know they took down the wooden fence put up a metal one and like you say a portacabin. Cheers for the update too.
have you any idea why the post i made about the hospital (the one that you referneced) may have been deleted?

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