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Report - - Teffont Quarry, Chilmark, Wiltshire - Dec 2016 | Mines and Quarries |

Report - Teffont Quarry, Chilmark, Wiltshire - Dec 2016


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Teffont Quarry

What to call this place is a difficult one. Teffont Quarry, Chilmark North Mine and Barrow Quarry are three names that could be given for this interesting find. I'm not sure which is correct, and the tag board at the entrance even has the name Linda Barrow Mine to add more uncertainty. I've put Chilmark in the report title, just so people will be certain of where it is, and can picture the area.

Back in 2010, when Markymark, Montstar and myself were the first to seek out the RAF Chilmark underground ammunition stores, this site was just about still live and then being worked by Chilmark Stone Ltd. Although it did end up closing 2010, it has taken this long to access because the occupants of the surrounding buildings in the Chilmark North part of the site, ISSEE, were very observant to say the least. Add into the mix various encounters with a nutter in a Land Rover, and the draw of the main ammunition stores, and it's clear why this place was all but forgotten.
Well ISSEE have moved on now, so it was time to give it another crack...

The mine itself is a nice mixture of old and new. And it's clear from the map which areas are from what era. It does seem as though none of the site was ever converted into anything war or military related, and the older workings are quite limited to be honest. The area around the emergency exit does have something of Ridge Quarry about it though, so maybe there were test builds carried out here? Who knows.

Here are my pics from Teffont Quarry...








Could be Ridge...

From the old to new workings...





Group shot of satisfaction.

Thanks for reading.

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Staff member
Pretty cool that, nice find. Are those sticks of dynamite in the second to last pic?


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Pretty cool that, nice find. Are those sticks of dynamite in the second to last pic?

Thanks, it's well worth a look around.

I'm not sure what those sticks are? I was thinking explosives, or the packing used after inserting the explosives into rock? It's odd, because there's no sign of anything like that being used down here.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Nice one! I always saw a bit of this on maps of RAF Chilmark, but thought it would be too hard because of the ISSEE place.

Don't the light rail tracks from Chilmark connect up with this one though?

Oxygen Thief

Staff member
Ahhhh very nice. Was just thinking this was worth a look again the other day. Nice to see lots of stuff left down there as well.

What's the map that you mention?

Pretty cool that, nice find. Are those sticks of dynamite in the second to last pic?

More than likely it's resin bolts for the roof.


Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
The sticks arnt explosive, its what they glue the bolts in the ceiling with apparently. There were a lot abandoned in Middleton and we were a bit cautious until we found that out!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
The sticks arnt explosive, its what they glue the bolts in the ceiling with apparently. There were a lot abandoned in Middleton and we were a bit cautious until we found that out!

Ahhhh, that's what they are! We weren't 100%, so treated with respect. Well, after taking some pictures.

I'll try and find that map. It's on this site somewhere...


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Here's the map, originally shared by Pauln in 2011.

You can really see the distinction between old and new workings.
