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Temple Church - Bristol - Jan 2021 | Other Sites |

Temple Church - Bristol - Jan 2021

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
The original Temple Church was founded in the early 12 century by the Knights templar, It's purpose was to protect pilgrims in the 'Holy Land'. The original circular church was replaced with a more rectangular structure in the 14th century and is home to the leaning tower which is a notable feature of the church. During WW2 the church was bombed leaving little of it left other than the shell and leaning tower, with some important artefacts being moved to different sites.

This site must have only recently been closed off due to there being a fair amount of photo evidence and information about the place, so it's innards are largely untouched and having spoken to people that have lived longer in the area they can confirm that it semi-recently was open to the public.

I found this after failing to find entry to a different location and not quite wanting to head home straight away, it was my first trip out in quite some time and the photos I know aren't really perfect, so I hope that it's not sub-par to what is allowed here.






28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I ended up being rather unprepared for the photography side of things, so had to only pick the photo's which came out the best. I'll be looking to remedy this next time out! Thanks for the kind words!

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