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Report - - The Citadel, Sheffield, S.Yorks, June 2020 | Other Sites | Page 2 |

Report - The Citadel, Sheffield, S.Yorks, June 2020

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Staff member
I’m going to Sheffield tomorrow where is this place located in there I’ll check out while I’m there
Please don't ask people to give you location details. At the very least you could have at least said please, but even then don't do it. Do some research instead. It will only take you a few minutes to find it. Secondly, are you aware that 'explouring' isn't an actual word?


Putting the fun in dysfunctional
Regular User
That auditorium is very nice. You can't beat that feeling of finally cracking a place you've had your eye on for ages!


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Just a quick heads up to save people a journey...this place is now all sealed-up again...

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