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Report - - The Old Village Hall: Westwick, Norfolk. September 2021 | Other Sites |

Report - The Old Village Hall: Westwick, Norfolk. September 2021


"The Pump People"
Regular User
Westwick Village Hall

Whilst hunting for local places to visit, I came across an online forum that briefly mentioned that there may be a derelict village hall in a little place called Westwick. I've lived in Norfolk my entire life and had never heard of this place. It has a total inhabitance of less than 100 people according to the 2011 Census. So being a tiny area, I soon managed to pin down the location. A 20-minute drive and I was outside the building.
Nestled in the undergrowth is a corrugated tin building painted green, with wooden framework, doors and floor. It's situated next to 'The Old School' so I wonder if the hall could have been used as part of the school at some point?

Various old light switches furnish the walls, meaning at some point the hall had electricity, no idea when it stopped being used. I could find nothing on this place.
The main entrance door is hanging off its hinges, not vandalized, probably just due to the age of the building. There are a total of four rooms.
The main hall area, which contained a few cupboards and other storage areas, several chairs and various hooks for coats etc.
A rear storage room which has a few bits left in, like a hard top roof for a vintage car, a few tools and other bits. This room is in the worst condition as a tree has landed on the roof and has fallen in.
Another rear storage room is also present, in better condition. The floor is starting to give way in this room, but it's OK overall.
Joined to the aforementioned storage room with the wonky floor is a small toilet area. It's a tiny room containing one portable chemical toilet and is nearly pitch black as there's no window.

Strangely, this is up there with one of my favourites locally. Just a bit different and nice how it's naturally decayed. No crap tags or Urbex stickers, lovely.

I tried my best to find history on this place as I don't like to write a report without including some, but I really couldn't come up with anything! I'll have to let the photos do the talking....












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Thanks for reading.​


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Westwick Village Hall

Whilst hunting for local places to visit, I came across an online forum that briefly mentioned that there may be a derelict village hall in a little place called Westwick. I've lived in Norfolk my entire life and had never heard of this place. It has a total inhabitance of less than 100 people according to the 2011 Census. So being a tiny area, I soon managed to pin down the location. A 20-minute drive and I was outside the building.
Nestled in the undergrowth is a corrugated tin building painted green, with wooden framework, doors and floor. It's situated next to 'The Old School' so I wonder if the hall could have been used as part of the school at some point?

Various old light switches furnish the walls, meaning at some point the hall had electricity, no idea when it stopped being used. I could find nothing on this place.
The main entrance door is hanging off its hinges, not vandalized, probably just due to the age of the building. There are a total of four rooms.
The main hall area, which contained a few cupboards and other storage areas, several chairs and various hooks for coats etc.
A rear storage room which has a few bits left in, like a hard top roof for a vintage car, a few tools and other bits. This room is in the worst condition as a tree has landed on the roof and has fallen in.
Another rear storage room is also present, in better condition. The floor is starting to give way in this room, but it's OK overall.
Joined to the aforementioned storage room with the wonky floor is a small toilet area. It's a tiny room containing one portable chemical toilet and is nearly pitch black as there's no window.

Strangely, this is up there with one of my favourites locally. Just a bit different and nice how it's naturally decayed. No crap tags or Urbex stickers, lovely.

I tried my best to find history on this place as I don't like to write a report without including some, but I really couldn't come up with anything! I'll have to let the photos do the talking....












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Thanks for reading.​
Very nice , nice to see NO vandalism or graffiti

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