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Report - - The UK Transporter Bridges - 2015/2017 | High Stuff | Page 2 |

Report - The UK Transporter Bridges - 2015/2017

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Staff member
Did all 3 of these with you at one point or another. Good laugh all 3 of them but I still have the same ideas about Middlesbrough

We had some laughs on these beasts mate. Glad your views haven't changed :D


28DL Member
28DL Member
The problem with the Middlesbrough Transporter bridge is either side is in about the worst parts of Teesside, Port Clarence is like the wild west, I once drove through on the way to work to find several couches on fire in the middle of the main road on a Tuesday evening. and the Middlesbrough side (where you parked) is even worse ......................

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