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Report - - Tower Colliery, Glamorgan November 2016 | Industrial Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Tower Colliery, Glamorgan November 2016

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I own shares for tower colliery from gaining half of
Someone’s estate can someone tell me how much they would be worth now please ?
As Mookster says you need specialist advice sooner rather than later. If the shares are Tower Colliery Ltd it is still an active company and shareholders are still debating the future of the site. In 2012 Tower Regeneration Ltd, a joint venture partnership between Tower Colliery Ltd and Hargreaves Services plc was formed. The partnership company received planning permission that year to allow opencast coal extraction


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Thought a little update on this would be appreciated, it is now a Zip World. I had a quick mooch around here solo in December.

Everything bar the Bath House is currently accessible. I didn't climb the headstock or go inside one of the buildings though, because it was pissing down and was slippery as fuck, didn't fancy breaking my neck, I'll go back at some point with company.

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Thought a little update on this would be appreciated, it is now a Zip World. I had a quick mooch around here solo in December.

Everything bar the Bath House is currently accessible. I didn't climb the headstock or go inside one of the buildings though, because it was pissing down and was slippery as fuck, didn't fancy breaking my neck, I'll go back at some point with company.

sounds interesting it certainly looked cool

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