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Information - - Tower Colliery sealed up, Boys village fenced off | General Exploring Chat Forum |

Information - Tower Colliery sealed up, Boys village fenced off


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Went for our usual annual jaunt to old regular spots with Mrs Desolation. Sad to report that Tower Colliery has been welded shut, exterior stairs and ladders removed, spiked fencing put up etc. Totally inaccessible now. Went down to chat to the duty miner at the works office, said they'd caught a group of 17-19 year olds smashing the place up so decided it was to be sealed up entirely. Damn shame, they have always been good to people exploring, used to even take people up and show them around and talk about their time working there.

So off we went to Boys Village... that's now got brand new fencing in the entrance, there's still an access to it, but a local horse rider went past and said the owner's called the police out a lot lately (probably bluster but still, they've made it harder to get in without being easily seen)