I am currently being threatened by a landowner. He emailed me after finding my photos online and said his solicitor has said their costs are £10'000 plus £1000 for landowners time and court costs plus fine. Apparently he has filed this...
As far as I know he doesn't have my address or any proof I was actually there other than photos I posted (not sure where, could even be lurking on here)
Anyone been in this situation?
Ignore it.
Keep the e-mail and if you get more from the landowner you could report it to both his ISP and the ICO as threatening e-mails.
IF you get (and it's VERY unlikley) a letter from a court then go to CAB and ask for advice. Nice round numbers plucked out of the air won't look good in court. Would a solicitor give an outright fixed cost for something when they don't know the work involved (time, preparing the case, time in court)?