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Report - - UB-122 German Submarine Wreck, Medway Estuary, Kent - June 2019 | Military Sites | Page 2 |

Report - UB-122 German Submarine Wreck, Medway Estuary, Kent - June 2019

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
This is incredible, great report!

Out of interest, are you able to get to it by foot? I've had a look at Google maps and it seems possible but quite hard to tell really.

Bertie Bollockbrains

There is no pain
Regular User
Out of interest, are you able to get to it by foot? I've had a look at Google maps and it seems possible but quite hard to tell really.

Definitely not... you would have to wade about a km across sticky deep mud, whilst keeping an eye out for the tides. You will certainly end up stuck in the mud, prompting a RNLI callout and your face plastered all over the Daily Mail under the headline of "Covidiot gets stuck in mud"
Do you really want the same fame this man achieved


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Definitely not... you would have to wade about a km across sticky deep mud, whilst keeping an eye out for the tides. You will certainly end up stuck in the mud, prompting a RNLI callout and your face plastered all over the Daily Mail under the headline of "Covidiot gets stuck in mud"
Do you really want the same fame this man achieved


Thanks for the heads-up buddy. Might have been a stupid question, with hindsight, but better this than end up like that tit lol

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