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Question - Underground reservoir in Chatham Kent

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I tried to add some photos of the site to this thread but for some reason the pics aren’t visible…. Any advice on adding photos would be appreciated
Usually just press the icon next to the smiley face then it allows you to add a photo


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Ok thanks, I will try again


28DL Member
28DL Member
For what its worth....: I went to Luton Junior school, and there was a time when the school took us to the now flattened Sothern Water facility to learn about water.
During this visit, we went through a hatch (I believe concrete base with checked plate hatches, down a ladder of sorts which took you to a platform.
I remember there being a boat, but that was the extent of our visit.
I recall talking to my grandad about the school visit (he lived on Luton Road, boy and man) I remember him saying that on this boat you could go under the Luton Rec and as far the opposite way towards hopewell drive (he might've been spinning me BS, lol)
As a Lordswood local now, I would be interested in knowing more about the wells located in the area...


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
yes, I agree it would be fascinating to get more detail on the full extent of this underground lake. I expect it is only Southern Water employees who know more and we be able to gain access.


28DL Member
28DL Member
yes, I agree it would be fascinating to get more detail on the full extent of this underground lake. I expect it is only Southern Water employees who know more and we be able to gain access.
This is a bore hole access cover to the underground aquifer where Southern Water draw water from, there is another one further up Hopewell drive on the right between two businesses up towards Davis Estate.

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28DL Full Member
The southern water bunker is much further away, totally different place.

I happen to Live very close (like 300 metres) away from the area you're referring to, but there is no underground reservoir in that area as far as I'm aware.. If you think about it why would there be, it's totally the wrong area for a reservoir as you're in the bottom of a valley. However, there are fairly extensive drains in the area that thus far I've been unable to get into despite having a good walk around looking for access (I know they're there I have the plans) and it's possible that this underground "jetty" might be a chamber or something relating to this - maybe I'll go have a more thorough look around the area. Southern Water still have a pumping station at the bottom of North Dane Way, but their old HQ buildings have been demolished, you're right.

There are two reservoirs located at the top of the hill just off ash tree lane, these are disused now and due to be demolished for housing, but thus far no work has started.
I didn't realise they wer disused go past them all the time

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