Right, so after an eventful - read bloody - day with SynthetiK LogiK, we made our way to Vesta Oil Depot - LogiK's report should be up soon - where I came to a realization about the purpose of this site. I don't believe it was used for oil storage, more tanker cleaning and oil reclaimation after the cleaning.
On my previous reported visit, I didn't do the pier because there where too many people around and I was on my own. When I finally did do the pier with a non-member friend, it was dark and I didn't have my camera with me, so this time, with LogiK with me, it was getting done!
We had to wait for a group of teenagers to clear off. These guys where trying to do the pier themselves, but picking the most awkward route. Once they'd got off, it was time to Get it Done!
Right, on with the pics...
On my previous reported visit, I didn't do the pier because there where too many people around and I was on my own. When I finally did do the pier with a non-member friend, it was dark and I didn't have my camera with me, so this time, with LogiK with me, it was getting done!
We had to wait for a group of teenagers to clear off. These guys where trying to do the pier themselves, but picking the most awkward route. Once they'd got off, it was time to Get it Done!
Right, on with the pics...
On the oustide looking in
[3] [4]
Looking back - We found what appears to be an old transformer. Stipped I have to add
The tide was coming in at this point. If you don't know, the River Mersey is apparently one of the fastest estuaries in the world. Also, with a difference of 19.7ft (6 meters) between neap tide and spring tide, it has the second highest tidal range in Britain - second only to the River Severn. Worrying stuff on a pier that is essentially rust!
Most of the structures have long since been ravaged by nature
Had to take an artsy shot
[9] [10]
The old gangway
[11] [12]
Lots of electrical switch boxes still around
The cleansing/recovery hosey-boom type thing
Looks like someone had recently set a line up to the top of the crane, nutters!
Our target!
LogiK boldly climbing into the unknown
I couldn't chicken out, so I headed up the Rusty Shit Bucket of Certain Doom™ and found this, the turning spindle
Up a bit higher and I found the controls
The workings
The view on the way down
Apologies to the mods and everyone on a low resolution screen, but this picture is 8734x1818 originally. Click for the full sized version
That's that's it folks! I didn't particularly like being up on the Rusty Shit Bucket of Certain Doom™, but I was so stoked to have actually done this! I was buzzing for the rest of the night! Hope you enjoyed looking at the pics.
As usual, the Flickr set is here
Slideshow is here
Thanks for looking!
On the oustide looking in
[3] [4]
Looking back - We found what appears to be an old transformer. Stipped I have to add
The tide was coming in at this point. If you don't know, the River Mersey is apparently one of the fastest estuaries in the world. Also, with a difference of 19.7ft (6 meters) between neap tide and spring tide, it has the second highest tidal range in Britain - second only to the River Severn. Worrying stuff on a pier that is essentially rust!
Most of the structures have long since been ravaged by nature
Had to take an artsy shot
[9] [10]
The old gangway
[11] [12]
Lots of electrical switch boxes still around
The cleansing/recovery hosey-boom type thing

Looks like someone had recently set a line up to the top of the crane, nutters!
Our target!
LogiK boldly climbing into the unknown
I couldn't chicken out, so I headed up the Rusty Shit Bucket of Certain Doom™ and found this, the turning spindle
Up a bit higher and I found the controls

The workings
The view on the way down
Apologies to the mods and everyone on a low resolution screen, but this picture is 8734x1818 originally. Click for the full sized version
That's that's it folks! I didn't particularly like being up on the Rusty Shit Bucket of Certain Doom™, but I was so stoked to have actually done this! I was buzzing for the rest of the night! Hope you enjoyed looking at the pics.
As usual, the Flickr set is here
Slideshow is here
Thanks for looking!
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