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Report - Whittingham Asylum - Preston Lancashire, April 2014


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Re: Whittingham Asylum - Preston Lancashire April 2014

Was going to check this out tonight as my first explore, but I was advised that it's really difficult and dangerous to get in (I'm not a confident climber of any sorts), I went to Camelot instead, but this is still one I would love to do if it's a possibility?


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Re: Whittingham Asylum - Preston Lancashire April 2014

Great shots. I hope me and Pinkman won't be late to get there while we're up North.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Re: Whittingham Asylum - Preston Lancashire April 2014

I had a full day here courtesy of the Demo team and main contractors, mainly to take some aerial videos of Whittington a few weeks ago . Many thanks to all involved :) I did the safety induction course and had the full PPE on :)

Unfortunately in the four weeks or so before my visit most of the buildings were flattened :( and TBH I couldn't get my bearings for a while as it was a totally different scenario now.

As off a few weeks ago the only remaining buildings were the ones on the front basically, from the Laundry house which is the worst of all the buildings for Asbestos ! The small single storey building behind it and all the other front facing buildings (which are basically the ones that were in the worst condition ironically ) the butchers shop and the Majn Hall with its short section of corridor between the hall and the other main building and of course the fake Water Tower that only holds a 4200 litre plastic tank inside lol

The solitary building at the rear was having asbestos removed and was to be demolished ASAP

The buildings to the rear of the Tower were in final demo and the older parts of the hospital next to the Social Club was demoed while I was there . I was told the remaining buildings would be there till @ September but things can change rapidly.

I now have 100 minutes of HD video that needs editing lol
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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Re: Whittingham Asylum - Preston Lancashire April 2014

Be good to see some of that footage mate. :)

That's what I thought lol

I don"t fly with video feed so it's a bit hit and miss without editing :)

Was shooting HD plus low res pics at 5 second intervals and trying to guesstimate what the camera sees which is harder than you can imagine at 200 foot :)

Tried uploading raw footage to YouTube but it said 3 days and gave up after 12 hours! Flicker will only accept 1GB and the smallest vid is @4GB and I don't have any free space on any of my HD"s which is why all my reports are backed up to Kingdom come . Plus I have no free time ATM

Sunset one of the water tower is funny with loads of Meercats on top lol

Have to get another 2TB HD and do some editing sometime after my hols hopefully :)
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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Re: Whittingham Asylum - Preston Lancashire April 2014

Meercats :D



28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
The water tower is getting munched away at present.

Yeah I got sent a photo of it being Demoed yesterday (cheers :) hopefully the Meercats will be found a new home lol

If it had been somewhere else it'd have been on Grand Designs or something with a rotating suspended viewing platform or something ?

Danny Nicholson

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I went here to have a mooch the other week after looking at Camelot and some Gypo type guy asking us to leave.....

Such a shame but most of the buildings have been knocked down and it looks like the rest will follow shortly...

Anyone who know's any info on the Blackpool Tunnels though please give me a shout cheers