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Report - - Willington Cooling Towers: A different angle - 25/05/2014 | Noteworthy Reports | Page 6 |

Report - Willington Cooling Towers: A different angle - 25/05/2014

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Phew! This is the best urbex report Ive ever seen, you guys are urbex royalty! Spooky thing: I googled "abseil cooling tower" with this site in mind as I drive past sometimes, and here you are boldly scaling the very same towers! I get vertigo just looking at them! What an impressive can-do attitude! Can anybody here explain the Monty Python door 3/4 of the way up? it mustve helped them alot with construction, another thing: do those red lights still work? Did a bit of head scratching and deduced that the demolition contractor agreed to flatten the power station for the scrap value but the towers have been left as that would cost extra, or are they hoping that another power station will get built onsite to use the towers once again, the power satation part being past its sellby date being 40 years old at the time.


Official Smartarse
Regular User
The red lights don't work, as much as the cables don't to connect to anything on the ground anyway.

Unsure about the door, other than it's likely that there was a way to ascend inside or it was just easier to put them in than for a steeplejack to put ladders up the outside on the wring camber.

And urbex royalty? fuck off.


A Predisposed Tourist
Regular User
The red lights don't work, as much as the cables don't to connect to anything on the ground anyway.

Unsure about the door, other than it's likely that there was a way to ascend inside or it was just easier to put them in than for a steeplejack to put ladders up the outside on the wring camber.

And urbex royalty? fuck off.

You would get to wear a crown tho mate,you'd look smashing in a crown


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
The red lights don't work, as much as the cables don't to connect to anything on the ground anyway.

Unsure about the door, other than it's likely that there was a way to ascend inside or it was just easier to put them in than for a steeplejack to put ladders up the outside on the wring camber.

And urbex royalty? fuck off.

WOW the lights dont work? What if a plane crashes into them, these are there to warn aviators right?

Ok you dont want the crown but at least let us give you a metaphoric medal and knighthood, you and your friend are indeed intrepid sages of the Urbex thing!! This whole yarn also kinda reminds me of the hidden door in the North Face of the Eiger but atleast THAT door leads to a safe haven of the tunnel inside the mountain should you get into trouble.

Seriously guys this is world class urbex, you are too modest!
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28DL Member
28DL Member
Looking at jumping this in the near future before the ice sets in. Mind getting hold of me and the team who want to do it. Got some questions on gear used ect.

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