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Report - - Winnington B Control Room, Cheshire, July 2020 | Industrial Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Winnington B Control Room, Cheshire, July 2020

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Putting the fun in dysfunctional
Regular User
@tarkovsky I can really relate to how you describe the whole experience of not just the room itself but the getting there and how such a small space that looks so unremarkable can hold something I think was such a sight to see! Fantastic report and great to see this taken on film.


Regular User
@tarkovsky I can really relate to how you describe the whole experience of not just the room itself but the getting there and how such a small space that looks so unremarkable can hold something I think was such a sight to see! Fantastic report and great to see this taken on film.
Thanks for the comment. And yes, in some cases the 'getting there' is more interesting than the prize at the end (although not in this case, obv).

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