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A Decade of Lunacy - Ten Years of Asylum Seeking

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
One of the best things I have seen on here in some time. Very good work indeed.

It was partially your aslyums website that got me into this whole silly game, so I thank you for all that dedicated work.


Crusty Juggler
Staff member
Thanks for all your kind comments, most appreciated :)

Some body of work when you look at it all together!! Fantastic stuff, couple there I wish I'd seen, but I guess on the flip side I saw a couple your missing.

I think it's a bloody waste when you think some of the better sections of a lot of those buildings were lost when you see how well the converted ones scrub up.

Thanks for compiling that, brought some epic memories back :)

It sure does.. some of the people pics I went through went working down to 5 were great. So many great times. There is defo a few on the list I'm annoyed I missed out. Off the top of my head I can't understand why I never managed Prewett, Ebbas, St Johns, Stonehouse and St Lukes. I guess we can't have it all!

You're premature.. Still a few more to get to! :-)

For sure but this is just to this point of time! - St James for me would be the one I'd most like to see in future. Well that and Broadmoor!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Stunning report, one of the best bodies of work i've seen in a long time. i like a lot of people on here wish i had the chance to visit some of these places…well done mate.

Boba Low

SWC ___/
28DL Full Member
Fantastic read that man. I've probably used the phrase 'not my thing' a multitude of times around you at meets etc but I get how you feel about them entirely!

In this subculture there's a whole bunch of people doing stuff for novelty that they probably won't be doing next year, be it that they get caught once and put off, fall off a crane, get an asbo or the Facebook likes just dry up (was facebook even a thing when you guys started visiting asylums?!)... The traits I respect the most are passion and dedication, both of which you have in spades sir!


O high
Staff member
Fucking yes mate! Bit late to the party here granted but it was worth the wait. Glad to have been able to share some of these places with you too <3


Crusty Juggler
Staff member
Fantastic read that man. I've probably used the phrase 'not my thing' a multitude of times around you at meets etc but I get how you feel about them entirely!

In this subculture there's a whole bunch of people doing stuff for novelty that they probably won't be doing next year, be it that they get caught once and put off, fall off a crane, get an asbo or the Facebook likes just dry up (was facebook even a thing when you guys started visiting asylums?!)... The traits I respect the most are passion and dedication, both of which you have in spades sir!

Thanks mate, we all have our individual types of exploring we like. That's what makes it so much fun seeing everyone else's passion. After all I'm going to have to find something else to like before long..!

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