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Report (Permission Visit) - Battersea Power Station and Underground Station, whilst under construction. | High Stuff |

Report (Permission Visit) Battersea Power Station and Underground Station, whilst under construction.

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The Ethical Thief

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I guess this is high stuff? But then, there are also some underground bits as well...

As a side hobby/business I practice and offer physical penetration testing to companies.

The below was a (somewhat) permission based visit to Battersea Power Station, as well as the new Underground Station during construction. Now that the construction is complete I am comfortable sharing these.

There is a collection of images here the upper floors of the power station, inside the superstructure while scaffolding was present, and in the underground station whilst under construction.

Enjoy :)















Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Nice to see it like this. What year were these taken? Oh and welcome to 28 dl. Good 1st report. :thumb


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Must admit I'd never heard of physical penetration testing - google says it's definitely a thing though.
Could be a profitable sideline for some on here.

The Ethical Thief

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Must admit I'd never heard of physical penetration testing - google says it's definitely a thing though.
Could be a profitable sideline for some on here.

Definitely a thing, and sometimes great fun! But also 98% paperwork (research, intel, recon, report writing etc.), and 2% actual on-site work doing the fun stuff.


Enthusiastic Idiot and prolific BS talker
28DL Full Member
Physical pen, got to be the ultimate job for an urbexer especially combined with some offensive IT. There are surely others here but I'm sure they have to keep very low key about such things. Lovely pics in your report!

The Ethical Thief

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Physical pen, got to be the ultimate job for an urbexer especially combined with some offensive IT. There are surely others here but I'm sure they have to keep very low key about such things. Lovely pics in your report!
I appreciate that, thank you. I couldn't go full artistic for obvious reasons... ;)


Enthusiastic Idiot and prolific BS talker
28DL Full Member
Must admit I'd never heard of... ...
This is not what I do for a living... but try reading "Unauthorized Access" Physical penetration testing for IT security teams by Wil Allsop. Or for partly historical reasons "The Art of Deception" by Kevin Mitnick although you'll be delving into serious computer nerd territory. Apologies for digressing the thread.


28DL Colonial Member
28DL Full Member
:thumbBit different from when I came aboard 28DL, but hey, that's the world for ya !

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