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Information - Bidston Hill, Wirral - Mill, Observatory & Lighthouse - Feb 2020

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Lol, some people are pretty full of themselves on here my pictures I can do what I fucking like. Don't like it, swerve it. I like a hyper-real sky and bright colours, so what? The building hasn't changed.
At the risk of being shot down i just want to say I like your pictures, a different approach to photography, and I hope you are not deterred from posting other reports on here.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I agree the place looks great but the added effects is not for me ,if everyone did that to picks on here I’d be wondering around though brambles looking for mr blobby’s house every weekend

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Jees that escalated quickly again lol.
The pics are ok but I wouldnt go so far as to call myself a "visual artist" if I had done that to them.
I like to edit some like that but always throw some unedited & /or b& w just to keep it interesting & Im just a very amateur hobbyist photographer

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
I hope you dont delete your account, I liked your photos. Yes some dont like HDR, but on some shoots it works well and each to their own. The ones that dont like it could scroll past. Bringing out the object of the photo is a good thing. I like enhanced colours too.

I know we have a policy about using HDR/ lightroom too much, and to some extent I agree too much over processing can turn a photo into a cartoon. But if the balance is just right I see no harm in it. An explore is an explore. We are an exploring forum not photography forum. Sorry if people disagree, but we come down harder on HDR users than posters that post hazy, dusty photos at funny angles.


Staff member
Fair enough but looks like OTT HDR to me.
Sorry to be harsh, but that's not what you're showing. These images are what you think / wished a place should have looked like.

If you're going to offer some advice then try and be friendly with it at least. Someone fairly new to the forum should be encouraged to post more, not moaned at to the point they want to leave. They've taken the time to bother posting a report which is more than most members do these days. I wouldn't take too much notice if I were you @ChanVal.


If you're going to offer some advice then try and be friendly with it at least. Someone fairly new to the forum should be encouraged to post more, not moaned at to the point they want to leave. They've taken the time to bother posting a report which is more than most members do these days. I wouldn't take too much notice if I were you @ChanVal.



Massive Member
Regular User
Too late I'm done already. Imagine being that upset because the sky is a little bluer than they would like. As for "calling bullshit" on me wanting to show the brickwork - maybe they should visit the place themselves and see that unedited photos really don't do the place justice. But I slapped a HD filter and some contrast application on there...string me up, Lol, nuts. How do I go about deleting my account please?

This isn't really a photography or design forum
People are here to see where you have explored and the photos are more to document the location

If you do stick around it would be worth just posting the originals from places you've explored and upload the edited pics to a dedicated art forum/group

Old Git

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I agree the place looks great but the added effects is not for me ,if everyone did that to picks on here I’d be wondering around though brambles looking for mr blobby’s house every weekend
You wont find it, the hotel had it demolished!


A fellow of infinite jest
28DL Full Member
you're going to offer some advice then try and be friendly with it at least.
You both know I offer friendly advice on a daily basis, whether it’s pointing to the guidance threads or PM’ing a noob about how their unnamed church was easy to find, with lots of links.

But when someone is so conceited that they refuse to read the forum guidelines and deny that their images are HDR (despite giving an accurate description of HDR)…

On top of that, these are externals of buildings in a public park, on top of the ridiculous HDR, they’re not even UE….


Staff member
You both know I offer friendly advice on a daily basis, whether it’s pointing to the guidance threads or PM’ing a noob about how their unnamed church was easy to find, with lots of links.

But when someone is so conceited that they refuse to read the forum guidelines and deny that their images are HDR (despite giving an accurate description of HDR)…

On top of that, these are externals of buildings in a public park, on top of the ridiculous HDR, they’re not even UE….

Indeed your'e right, however at the end of the day there are better way's of getting the message across, it was like the old flame Friday all over again and I thought we had moved away from that!

As for the READ THIS read that type threads, sadly not every keen derper reads these when joining/pre-posting as often they are too keen to get a foot on the ladder.

I feel we've done a great job in recent years encouraging (and to a large extent tolerating newbie errors) and in most cases amicably resolved.

Lately though, the old mentality with some members is shining through, and on the face of it many of these newbies are far more active than the grumpy buggers complaining!

I acknowledge you have been more than forthcoming past couple of years with helping out, pointing people in the right direction, but just lately the direction from yourself and others has had a negative tinge.

We have a member base of 73,977 users and some amazing unrivaled legacy content on here and I'd prefer to see this grow rather than scare people away for some schoolboy/girl errors..

I'm not trying to be a dick about this either, we just need to understand not everyone grasps the concept from the outset.

Have a good evening :)


A fellow of infinite jest
28DL Full Member
Fair comment. It's no excuse, but probably too many kronies if I'm honest. Sorry to the OP and to the forum.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I made my way to Bidston Hill yesterday on the recommendation of a report I saw on here. What a gorgeous place! The whole land was bought on the condition that it would be kept for public use and enjoyment, which is upheld today. The buildings date from the 1800s. No interior exploration as the mill is sealed tight (but it is open to the public from April so I will definitely be going back). The observatory and lighthouse were occupied, so they were a no go too. The views from the hill are spectacular, you can see out across the Irish Sea, or can look across to Liverpool. Definitely recommend as a place to visit with your kids if you enjoy exploring with them (which is what I did).






The colours look very artificial.

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