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Information - Blackpool tunnel s

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I've got a report on the place ready to put up when I won't get shouted at for walking around my home town. I hope to god it hasn't suffered anymore than when I went in.
Its clad in typical ww2 wood work and some beautiful (lol) urinals.

Looking forward to seeing this.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I chanced walking past and it was open, doesn't lead to anywhere external though, can't be access from elsewhere either, it's a fire trap waiting to happen if the council don't hurry up and reseal it.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member

Bad but first shot I could find on my phone of the urinals.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
defo needs resealing before it's looted, trashed, burnt out or ends up full of druggies. Those urinals were built to last though weren't they and at least they had a bit of design and style about them, unlike todays functional but featureless things. Next one I want a look at is the one at Gynn Square as I say; it's supposed to have some interesting features and may have an entrance to somewhere else too


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
defo needs resealing before it's looted, trashed, burnt out or ends up full of druggies. Those urinals were built to last though weren't they and at least they had a bit of design and style about them, unlike todays functional but featureless things. Next one I want a look at is the one at Gynn Square as I say; it's supposed to have some interesting features and may have an entrance to somewhere else too

Quite agree, if you stand by gynn in the right place when a tram goes over you can feel the ‘hollow’ ground, the urinals were 100% built to last Place I worked had some that had to be broken out took two men with pneumatic drills two days to remove, built to last!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Well funnily enough in that same area there is a very large council owned space that's had various uses over the years, from once being a huge deckchair storage area, to a council run woodworking shop - the door to get in, is literally right next to the Hole In The Wall and the owner told me he'd been in once and it's huge - he also suspected that there were other spaces nearby and had heard rumours of tunnels etc. The janitor story checks out too, I was told that a tunnel led (or at least did at one time) from The Imperial Hotel to these spaces as an emergency exit for visiting dignitaries such as the political party conferences, should an attack take place similar to the Brighton bombing - that way the vip's could be evacuated safely to cars driven down onto middle walk and from there to safety


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Can confirm certain parts of your statement about the gonna are true, the space behind the hole in the wall cafe is M A S S I V E.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Similar to the land below what would have been the derby baths, the cliffs, and the metropole. Some would have been repurchased during the war to be used as shelters.


Lancashire bird
28DL Full Member
i went in them tonight, its not worth it, anything note worthy has been stripped over the last month, up until the end of last year it looked exactly as the day it closed, have been planning a return visit for ages but left it too late - insta @mikedoesexploring for shitty photos and videos of it.

im going to hit the south pier ones tomorrow too, also have a lead on the gpo in town but i wont hold my breathe.
haven’t just been through and stalked. Those marble loos hey. Some of that was worth a view


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
ha, do it anyway mate or make your account private so that only people you trust can see. Either that, or feel free to pm me on insta and we'll sort out another way

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