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Information - Blackpool tunnel s

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I know I'm going to get shot down for this, but the tunnels were not a myth .. at least not totally.. I used to know one of the old music hall entertainers who worked around Blackpool (he's long since gone now, so I can't prove any of this) and he used to tell me about the tunnels that the entertainers used, to move from one theatre to another .. they maybe only connected 2 theatres together and probably aren't the mythical network of tunnels that people imagine, but from what he told me, they were real. I really wish I'd paid more attention to the things he told me and gone into more detail with him.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
No, I agree with you and the old fella too mate - I know for a definite irrefutable fact that there was at least one tunnel between the Tower and The Palace Theatre (demolished to make way for the Lewis's store). One end of this tunnel still exists and is used for storage as far as I know but is bricked up at the end - it runs under the former KFC just past what was The Tower Lounge if that's makes sense?


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
No, I agree with you and the old fella too mate - I know for a definite irrefutable fact that there was at least one tunnel between the Tower and The Palace Theatre (demolished to make way for the Lewis's store). One end of this tunnel still exists and is used for storage as far as I know but is bricked up at the end - it runs under the former KFC just past what was The Tower Lounge if that's makes sense?
Yes, I know the one you mean .. I've got some pictures of it that were taken by a former employee somewhere.. but from what I remember of the things that the old fella talked about, there was also a tunnel from the Winter Gardens to the old Hippodrome Theatre, which later became the ABC Cinema and eventually The Syndicate nightclub, before it was demolished .. which makes sense as they are just across the road from each other.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
It does make sense, and there was/is still quite a large space underneath St John's Square that I believe was used as an air raid shelter too before being at least partially converted into the homeless shelter still in use now

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