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Report - - Brecon & Radnorshire Joint Counties Asylum, Talgarth July 2017 | Asylums and Hospitals |

Report - Brecon & Radnorshire Joint Counties Asylum, Talgarth July 2017

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Cloth Head

28DL Regular User
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The building, designed by Messrs Giles, Gough and Trollope of London followed the compact arrow plan and was built at a cost of £126,000. It was opened amid public ceremony on March 18, 1903, by the Rt. Hon. Lord Glanusk who said of it "everything has been done that human ingenuity could devise for the happiness and safety of the inmates, and under the blessing of God, for their speedy restoration to health." Like other contemporary institutions, the asylum was designed to be self-sufficient, and had its own private water, electricity, heating and sewerage systems as well as a considerable agricultural estate on which able-bodied patients worked to produce food for the hospital. As well as residential wards, the hospital had a large recreation and dining hall, kitchens, workshops "in which the patients [were] encouraged to spend their time profitably", a tailor, bakery, shoe-maker and printing shops as well as 8 acres of market gardens.
In 2009 the site was offered for sale. By this time, several properties that once belonged to the hospital, such as the gatehouse, had been sold off and the buildings were becoming derelict. There are signs of demolition throughout the site and many of the original slates (believed to be worth in excess of £1 million) were stripped from the roofs. The large derelict site has recently become an attraction to many urban explorers despite improved security measures.



























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Crusty Juggler
Staff member
Nice photos but it was never called 'Talgarth Asylum' - Brecon & Radnorshire Joint Counties Asylum or Mid Wales Hospital..


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Looks amazing. Was there any animal shit smeared around the place, I got told it was all over it a while back but I wasn't sure if that was a load of crap (excuse the pun) or whether it was genuine. It reminds me of Hellingly used to be like some some reason. Great report and photos though.

Cloth Head

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Looks amazing. Was there any animal shit smeared around the place, I got told it was all over it a while back but I wasn't sure if that was a load of crap (excuse the pun) or whether it was genuine. It reminds me of Hellingly used to be like some some reason. Great report and photos though.
Nah just on 1 window, nice place.


Crusty Juggler
Staff member
Oh right I guess the guy who told me either went when it was totally different or exaggerated it. Yeah it looks it, I'd really like to go here or Denbigh at some point

There is shit on the obvious looking access points as almost a trap. At least 2-3 windows had shit around them a few months back


28DL Regular User
Regular User
There is shit on the obvious looking access points as almost a trap. At least 2-3 windows had shit around them a few months back
Yeah apparently months ago or so there was shit all over the place that was put there by local farmers who were pissed off at people exploring the place.


Crusty Juggler
Staff member
Yeah apparently months ago or so there was shit all over the place that was put there by local farmers who were pissed off at people exploring the place.

Been there a lot longer than that. But yes they've left very obvious access points to trick you into getting covered in shit.

Not going to lie, the place needs a bulldozer to the majority of it. It's suffered enough..


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Been there a lot longer than that. But yes they've left very obvious access points to trick you into getting covered in shit.

Not going to lie, the place needs a bulldozer to the majority of it. It's suffered enough..
Fair enough. You're right the place has been suffering for ages and it's sort of at the end of its time. Yeah I think locals have had enough with people being around it and vandalising it (not that genuine explorers would anyway) but some local ish teens will have probably know the whole site like the back of their hands by now


Crusty Juggler
Staff member
Fair enough. You're right the place has been suffering for ages and it's sort of at the end of its time. Yeah I think locals have had enough with people being around it and vandalising it (not that genuine explorers would anyway) but some local ish teens will have probably know the whole site like the back of their hands by now

The locals to a degree are part of the problem. They cling on to the theory that the whole site can be saved and redveloped and have basically in part made the place as run down as it is. They insit that all of the bulidings should be saved rather than some and thus planning applications have been refused.

They could have saved a few parts by now.. my guess is they will lose all of it because the developer now is just sitting back and playing the long game while is colapses in on itself
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