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Report - - Farleigh Down Tunnels, Batheaston - November 2019 | Underground Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Farleigh Down Tunnels, Batheaston - November 2019

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Choose life, choose tunnels
Regular User

The random thing you saw, it's a rather depressed looking convection cooled high voltage transformer, clearly bled of all it's oily fluids and copper windings.

You'll see or hear quite a few on your travels...oh, you're not a nerd like me you say? :coat


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member

The random thing you saw, it's a rather depressed looking convection cooled high voltage transformer, clearly bled of all it's oily fluids and copper windings.

You'll see or hear quite a few on your travels...oh, you're not a nerd like me you say? :coat
Well now I know where to come when I want answers at least!!


Crusty Juggler
Staff member
It is getting close to being dangerous, the tin roof is looking more rotten each time I see it so I imagine they'll do something at some point. Shame though, nice bit of history there.

They tried in about 2014 I think but since given up.


ian beal's twin brother..
28DL Full Member
Nice report....its a very sad shadow of its former self...even in the late 90's there was parties and the odd rave carried out down there....most of the surrounding land has been back filled over by the owner and there has been talk in the past of collapsing the lower section and over filling it with rubble....but well done at capturing some of its former glory....t


Instagram: @got2xplore
28DL Full Member
Went last night for the first time. Actually a very cool place and worth the walk for sure!Never expected the tunnel to be as long as it was (at all) and being a raver at heart, I enjoyed hearing about the party’s that have happened down there since it’s closure. The last one being in 2012 I think where lots of people were admitted to hospital after inhaling plenty of engine fumes/gasses from the generators due to inadequate ventilation & pure lack of air down under. Being there, it was very easy to understand how this could’ve happened. I can sort of see why they thought it would’ve been a good place for a rave, just not well thought through haha

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