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Report - - Fat of The Land, Bradford 2011-2014. | Noteworthy Reports | Page 2 |

Report - Fat of The Land, Bradford 2011-2014.

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Regular User
Jeez, that is some report. Sterling work chaps, that's pure dedication and proper interesting. Thing is, I feel like I need a shower now :eek:


Bajo Tierra
Regular User
Not even sure what to say about this post, amazing stuff and hats off for some true commitment here, thats one brilliant report


Conspicuous Loiterer
Regular User
That's rather good. Must take a lot of determination to put up with all that poo. All your efforts have produced a fascinating and definitely unique report. :thumb


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Awesome read, I've been waiting to see this from you two for a long time and it most certainly didn't disappoint.

Great work and some top photos to boot. Well done guys! :)

The Kwan

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Holy shit, a fantastic read and some gorgeous photos, I know that you said it was years of graft and it looks just that...hats off to you and squiz :thumb

Mr Beady

28DL Full Member
Respect to you two. Id of never thought there was this shit under bradford. I'll sick to its derps and you two the underground stuff .


Tomb Raider
28DL Full Member
Wowsa! :O Hats off to you guys!

Extensive stuff and beyond effort for sticking at it, well chuffing done! :thumb !!


Loyal to the Drain
Regular User
Now that's a first class report! :thumb

That made for an excellent read. Well done the both of you for giving Bradford's sanitary sordidness the attention it deserves.
I have the feeling that I will be returning to Bradford again some day! :)


International Trespasser
28DL Full Member
That is how to do a report!:thumb some serious dedication and effort in this, some sick pics as well. Props due.:D

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