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Report - Fat of The Land, Bradford 2011-2014.

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A Porky Prime Cut
Regular User
The best report ever. Both of you :Not Worthy You don't know how chuffed I am, that I even got a mention in it, for a microscopic bit of involvement. :)


28DL Full Member
Determination. Dedication. Fresh.

This is what exploring is about. Fucking mental epic (and I don't tend to bandy the word about that much) shit. Literally.

Top effort guys, really. Puts some of us to shame.


Choose life, choose tunnels
Regular User
!Warning! !Warning! Viewing with a mobile?

This report should come with an RSI warning. I wore a groove into my screen :mad

Fantastic job. The effort that went into the gathering of pictures, general information, pain and excitement just oozes from the report.

You've done this reporting thing before aint ya! No? I'll call it beginners luck then ;)

Seriously smashing :thumb

Will Knot

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Wow, fookin' wow, this is epic stuff.......
Man what a report, what to say.......awesome that....
The pics and time put in mate........dedication :thumb

The Lone Shadow

Industrial Fanatic!
28DL Full Member
That is one amazing report and some serious dedication.
I never really understood the appeal of draining until I read this.
Hats off to you fellas, it was a thoroughly enjoyable and comprehensive read.

The Lone Shadow

Snake Oil

go in drains
28DL Full Member
so this is what you meant by "meh we're looking at stuff in other cities"! Absolutely fantastic work chaps :Not Worthy


28DL Regular User
Regular User
You two fuckers need a medal - or even better - a hearty spoonful o penicillin for wading through three years of bob courtesy of our commonwealth brethren!:thumb


big in japan
Regular User
You basically did a whole cities waste water system, so yeah, mega. There aren't really any heads properly out on the new-drain-hunt anymore bar one or two, so hats off. Not seen half of what you've thrown up here before.
And I rather like all encompassing reports like this, tells a bit more of a tale than 'I went in a concrete CSO, here's a picture'.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Some interesting looking bits in there, nice to see how the sewers link into the more commonly seen stuff. Good work.


28DL Memb3r
28DL Full Member
I've been working my way through reading this report in steps of 5-10min when I got chance, finally got through it loved it all. Such an amazing drain report.

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