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General Photo Thread

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A fellow of infinite jest
28DL Full Member
I don’t follow football.

At all.

But I couldn’t help noticing a few weeks back that a lot of Leicester folk were quite happy.
They also seemed obsessed with blue? Apparently their team won something?
The fans have tried to make everything blue.
Even the air!


Not wanting to feel left out, I discretely borrowed 12 of these LED lights from work. (As you do!)


to turn my favourite clock blue.

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Read comics and sleep all day, = no worries
28DL Full Member
Finally got around to locating that hidden tunnel entrance near the docks. Darn place was sealed up with an iron gate, but I was able to take a photo inside through the bars. According to my contacts, the way of telling the difference between the air raid shelters and the tunnel is that the shelters are not sealed and have no visible external walls or pillars. This one does.

The tunnel must be behind the door.


Regular User
I don’t follow football.

At all.

But I couldn’t help noticing a few weeks back that a lot of Leicester folk were quite happy.
They also seemed obsessed with blue? Apparently their team won something?
The fans have tried to make everything blue.
Even the air!

Not wanting to feel left out, I discretely borrowed 12 of these LED lights from work. (As you do!)

to turn my favourite clock blue.

Love it, fella.

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