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Report - - RAF Spadeadam abandoned plane, helicopter & more. 09.05.21 0600hrs | Military Sites | Page 2 |

Report - RAF Spadeadam abandoned plane, helicopter & more. 09.05.21 0600hrs

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Has anyone been up to the old rocket test site at Greymare hill at grid ref 621 743 and the other abandoned looking site at 597 719? It looks like an interesting area and possible to walk in easily.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Is this BS? "Due to the remote location of the converters, lack of mobile phone coverage and the threat of the local poisonous adders that inhabit the area, all Powervamp staff were escorted by a member of RAF Spadeadam whenever they made the 21 mile trip into the forest."

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