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Report - - RAF Spadeadam Mock Airfield, Northumberland - September 2020 | Military Sites | Page 2 |

Report - RAF Spadeadam Mock Airfield, Northumberland - September 2020

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Is it still in use? It looks to be used on Google earth... I see the other site close to it, are they both active?
I don't think its in as much use as its original use however, i think troops still go there to do various activities.

However, caution theres plenty of nasty stuff around which is usually cleared away from time to time as per any range but.....

Big but there may still be live munitions around bear in mind alot of munitions were of the ariel variety and do pack a serious punch if you accidentally come across it.

Its not just explosives on ranges of this type either that are hazards spent munition motors, depleted metals which have a serious DNA issue.

Then there's potentially getting bitten by a shark on a leash too.
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Greg Prior

28DL Member
28DL Member
Spadeadam in the 1950’s was a test area for the Bluestreak ballistic missile. It was under the direction of the Ministry of Aviation and run by Rolls Royce. Two other areas were associated with Spadeadam. Stevenage was used for testing of components and manufacture of the rocket. Hatfield had two test stands and was used for structural testing, pressurisation and propulsion tests.
The rockets from Stevenage were received at the administration area at Spadeadam and inspected at a three bay hanger adjacent to the administration area. Down the road and to the left is the Engine Test Area. There were four test stands used by Rolls Royce to test the rocket motors. Stand 1 was used to test the A1 engines, stand two the RX engines, stand three and four were used to do single and double engine tests for Bluestreak.
Down the road and to the right is the Rocket Test Area. There are two stands built very similar to the launcher sites at Woomera, South Australia. These stands were used for static firing of the assembled rockets before they were shipped to Woomera for flight testing. No Bluestreak rockets were launched from Spadeadam.


28DL Member
28DL Member
Can you just walk on this site (after trecking though the moors to find it ofc) , has anyone ever seen any security / raf personnel ?

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