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Report - Springfield University Hospital, Tooting - November - December 2019

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Great report mate! Was so happy when we found the record room. Glad you managed to capture some better photos of it than I did.


Drama Queen
Staff member
Nicely done mate. Defo more to come from here, every visit there seems to be more empty bits.


Xexxa the red
Actually now I think about it I’m glad the files are gone. They will never appear on a “oh my god guys we found patient records 120 YEARS OLD in ABANDONED Lunatic Asylum” goon video. They will never be whored for likes and they existed only to us, fleetingly, in photographs. Best outcome for all I say.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Actually now I think about it I’m glad the files are gone. They will never appear on a “oh my god guys we found patient records 120 YEARS OLD in ABANDONED Lunatic Asylum” goon video. They will never be whored for likes and they existed only to us, fleetingly, in photographs. Best outcome for all I say.
Totally agree with this. Made me very happy to see all the files disappear from Whitchurch for the same reason. Had a good flick through some of them, some pretty disturbing stuff as you can imagine.


Staff member
Well shot that mate. Looking forward to seeing what else thing place brings to the table in the future!


Xexxa the red
Totally agree with this. Made me very happy to see all the files disappear from Whitchurch for the same reason. Had a good flick through some of them, some pretty disturbing stuff as you can imagine.
Let’s make sure this is the only time we see eye to eye


Staff member
Nicely captured mate, and great you got to see some of the epic content before it was shoe horned into that locked room, the admin bit was quite a surprise to walk into and amazed the maglock door into that bit was left open, I could have done with a new computer as well :brew

As for "A nice large space upstairs which has been turned into offices with these partitions. Unsure what purpose it may have served in the past " That's an old ward you see there, they used to be open plan or whatever you call it back 'int day..

As for "Committee Room" with padded door, that was the boardroom, could argue same thing but hey, I'm old school :p

My old quacks had a padded door, prob more to do with privacy rather than a fire door or anything else.

The existing secure wing is still in use as you will have seen with some of the absolute loon balls been left to roam around and I don't just mean us lot :D

Any sniff of a padded cell (which I doubt) looking at the old yet more modernised empty secure wing on the other side that's on offer I'd say is prob long gone..

The mortuary building at the back has long since been re-purposed also, the boiler house looks decent though and there's also all the engineering block and other bits that are still in use here that look promising

Decent take on the old place, much better than my running with iphone specials anyway, Queue every other man and his dog to tell you how it was next Tuesday when they last went :rolleyes:

:thumb :thumb :thumb


Staff member
Actually now I think about it I’m glad the files are gone. They will never appear on a “oh my god guys we found patient records 120 YEARS OLD in ABANDONED Lunatic Asylum” goon video. They will never be whored for likes and they existed only to us, fleetingly, in photographs. Best outcome for all I say.

Yeah I'm with you on that front and good to see the NHS taking better care of such things for once


Staff member
Yeah I'm with you on that front and good to see the NHS taking better care of such things for once

Unfortunately not, there was an entire cabinet/drawers full of records still in the basement as well as some old death certificates left to rot, one could argue they haven't finished clearing out yet... oh yeah and we shouldn't be poking about in there also :p

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