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Report - - Springfield University Hospital, Tooting - November - December 2019 | Asylums and Hospitals | Page 3 |

Report - Springfield University Hospital, Tooting - November - December 2019

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Staff member
Unfortunately not, there was an entire cabinet/drawers full of records still in the basement as well as some old death certificates left to rot, one could argue they haven't finished clearing out yet... oh yeah and we shouldn't be poking about in there also :p
I only saw those admission cards. St Clements had every patient file dating back to the 30s sitting in the mouldy basement! Good fun reading some of those :D


Crusty Juggler
Staff member
Totally agree with this. Made me very happy to see all the files disappear from Whitchurch for the same reason. Had a good flick through some of them, some pretty disturbing stuff as you can imagine.

I remember the 2-3rd time we went there sitting jn the records vault having a bit of food and I picked up this women’s entire MH record. It was just left on the side ffs.


Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Really top notch this, fab set. I especially like the staircase too of course. But that room with the leather bound books, sterilizer box, asylum cards is something special. Added bonus of old typewriter, and an out of place sewing machine. But all those clean good architectural halls, windows, arches are crazy beauts. Then to top of with peely goodness. What a report. :thumb:thumb:cool:


Loyal to the Drain
Regular User
Excellent report! Thoroughly enjoyed reading that. Nice to see a place like this in such good order. Shame the NHS doesn't take GDPR seriously!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
This whole report is absolutely stunning. I have a serious penchant for old documents, I collect them. I've got quite a few indenture documents from the early 1800's on vellum, and I wouldn't hesitate to purchase this kind of stuff to add to my collection!! Sadly, but understandably, these type of records never get sold into the public domain but I could sit and read them for hours. I hope they have been kept and archived somewhere but unfortunately that's unlikely, as they're well out of the legal timescale requirement to be kept. Anyway, I waffle.
What a shame, but what a wonderful explore that must have been and beautifully captured :thumb

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