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Report - - UPDATE JANUARY 2019, Thames Valley University. SHUTDOWN. | High Stuff | Page 2 |

Report - UPDATE JANUARY 2019, Thames Valley University. SHUTDOWN.

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A fellow of infinite jest
28DL Full Member
Since you posted this 82 people have read it. Only 27 of those are forum members, the other 55 are members of the public and could (and frequently do) include the building owners, their security and the police. With that in mind it's not very smart to brag about breaking and entering like this -

we had opened the second tower entrance for new exploration

You might want to edit that bit out, as the forum in general doesn't want to get that kind of reputation.

the crackheads thought we would be easy targets to attack

So they attacked you this time then? Tell us about that.


"Landie" or Harry
Regular User
I explored the entire thing with Southside in March. It wasn’t all sealed at all; we covered every inch and Mookster and Grom did a week later


"Landie" or Harry
Regular User
I haven't felt the need to go back since as I saw the whole place in one go. There were no signs of anyone living inside or anything when I was there.

When I went there was food and papers dated that morning and a very, very fresh bed.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Since you posted this 82 people have read it. Only 27 of those are forum members, the other 55 are members of the public and could (and frequently do) include the building owners, their security and the police. With that in mind it's not very smart to brag about breaking and entering like this -

You might want to edit that bit out, as the forum in general doesn't want to get that kind of reputation.

So they attacked you this time then? Tell us about that.

When we came in someone tries spitting on us and throwing rocks and other stuff at us, when my friend accidentally walked into a room where one of them was, they apparently kicked him, cannot confirm the kicking bit as I was on another floor, also they tried chasing us all the way to the parking lot.

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