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Urban Exploring Locations In Bristol, United Kingdom

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I dont suppose anyone is about today? Im from dorset and i was thinking of driving up but i could use some help from a local!


28DL Member
28DL Member
heyyy!! im a teen in bristol looking to brighten up old buildings with some hidden artwork so i was wondering if there are any cool places to do that. also if your looking fo a bank im pretty sure there is one on bedminster parade oppasite the macdonnalds in the asda. its next to the dominos. its been abandond for a while but im not sure how easy it will be to get in.


28DL Member
28DL Member
I'm based in Bristol and am pretty new to this but I'd love to join you guys sometime in scouting out some places!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Hi everyone, i'm new to forums but have discovered this website and just had to get involved! I'm a big inspired urban explorer based in Bristol, UK and wanted to start a thread of where other local urban exploring enthusiasts can come together to share the best locations in the city!

I have been researching abandoned and derelict buildings in Bristol for the past year and have come across quite a few - but never any that have been accessible. The ones that I can list for anyone else in the city are;

The Office Shop - Bath Road, Bristol (Big abandoned warehouse looking building boarded up and very easy to find based on a busy road)

Old Factory, Beside SS Great Britain Car Park - (Another huge facility that is very derelict, apparently there is access but I have personally seen people/squatters going in and out using a ladder to climb over the fence.)

Whitfield Tabernacle Church, Kingswood - (This place I have personally visited and managed to go into the old house that was on the land which is now being redeveloped. The church itself use to be accessible as I seen on other forums but I personally went and the entrance that use to be open had been bricked over. Also a location notorious with drug users so I recommend to avoid at night.)
Bank of England, City Center by Bristol Bridge - (This building is my absolute dream to explore it is a huge abandoned bank, however it is based right in the city center meaning it is very well secure. I have never personally tried to access the bank but have read other forums that say it is possible but very difficult and dangerous. It involves getting into the church grounds that are at the back of the building and getting onto the roof - would not recommend)

Clifton Rocks Funicular Railway on the Portway - (This is another amazing location which I would love to explore, it has been done as I have seen on other forums pictures from inside but again I have never actually tried to access the location but imagine it is also very hard/impossible.)

If anyone has been to any of these locations recently and knows of any way to access any of them please let me know! Also if you are Bristol based and explored any other interesting places recently please add it to this thread and share please! I have photos from the church which i will upload soon.

Hope to speak to some of you!

I just left whitfield tabernacle about an hour ago

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