Communicating via a forum is I suppose just like texting someone on a phone, but with a much wider audience in 'an open space'. What one person writes with innocence can easily be read the wrong way and opinions based on this. I think it's the lack of face and personality behind any electronic interface that can create uncertainty. There will always be differences of opinions and it's something we have to accept if we are wiling to engage with a very large amount of forum users. As Speed well mentioned, in the real world, if I walked into a room crammed with people and expected everyone to nod and agree to anything I said, i'd be very wrong. Constructive criticism, although hard to swallow, is much more valuable.
By no means am I writing this to tell you to pull yourself together or toughen up, just my thoughts on how I see I type from a faceless laptop probably many miles away from you, sat on my own, waiting to go home
I'm a very low 'poster' ( I really should sort some pics out! ) but in the years I've been here, there is a difference in posting styles and the exploring 'landscape' has changed with this recently. But what I can say is that there are a top bunch of guys and girls around who offer fantastic skills and information, it's just about making those connections.
We've all got our own stories to tell, but the number of laughs I've had with friends in shit filled tunnels, sinking boats and getting naked in old mills (don't laugh) is beyond what money can buy.
There's a local meet for us in March which i'm dreading, better be a tunnel involved!
Stick around, you'll luurve it as Zappa said.