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Report - - Wesham Hospital Rehabilitation Unit, Lancashire - July 2020 | Asylums and Hospitals | Page 2 |

Report - Wesham Hospital Rehabilitation Unit, Lancashire - July 2020

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28DL Member
28DL Member
Yeh sorry mate.... I posted a lead rumour regarding the other hospital with piccys. It's near the train station.


Anyone know if this is still explorable? One article says it was going to be Demolished. Then one a few months later said it was being refurbished. "NHS bosses say refurbishment is well under way" is not a statement I put much faith in!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Anyone know if this is still explorable? One article says it was going to be Demolished. Then one a few months later said it was being refurbished. "NHS bosses say refurbishment is well under way" is not a statement I put much faith in!

Housing Estate now fella


Nuts. Just did a hospital in Ormskirk last month (our report is on here) and my explore partner has asked I find more. We got chased out of Newsham in Liverpool by a guard dog and the only other nearest I've found is ridge lea in Lancaster. I always hear the NHS is falling apart? So where are all the abandoned places??


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I've not done any for ages last one I did was camelot theme park a few years ago and St Joseph's seminary in Upholland.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I've not done any for ages last one I did was camelot theme park a few years ago and St Joseph's seminary in Upholland.
St Joseph’s is my weekly chill spot lol always so there in the sun when it’s dry only live round the corner lol



28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Nuts. Just did a hospital in Ormskirk last month (our report is on here) and my explore partner has asked I find more. We got chased out of Newsham in Liverpool by a guard dog and the only other nearest I've found is ridge lea in Lancaster. I always hear the NHS is falling apart? So where are all the abandoned places??
I’m down the road from Ormskirk can I ask what hospital you went to ?


St Joseph’s is my weekly chill spot lol always so there in the sun when it’s dry only live round the corner lol

How??? Or am I just too old for the amount of climbing needed for this one? We've cut ourselves up a few times going through the dense sections trying to get a way around the high fences. And there's often two lines of fences in most parts.


I’m down the road from Ormskirk can I ask what hospital you went to ?

Hi. Sure, we put the report up last week:

it's very empty but big. Quite a few people asked about our access point which doesn't normally happen with our reports so it must have some appeal! I'd be happy to trade info on any access points to get into St Josephs without 2x 10 foot climbs over barbed wire fences though.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Hi. Sure, we put the report up last week:

it's very empty but big. Quite a few people asked about our access point which doesn't normally happen with our reports so it must have some appeal! I'd be happy to trade info on any access points to get into St Josephs without 2x 10 foot climbs over barbed wire fences though.
I tried this on Sunday last week. And had no luck!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Hi. Sure, we put the report up last week:

it's very empty but big. Quite a few people asked about our access point which doesn't normally happen with our reports so it must have some appeal! I'd be happy to trade info on any access points to get into St Josephs without 2x 10 foot climbs over barbed wire fences though.
You can get through the fence and really only access to the building is drain pipes now


You can get through the fence and really only access to the building is drain pipes now

Thats a shame. Our entry was very easy and only a couple of weeks ago. (Hidden, but easy.) That's happened to us lots of times though. We get a tip on access then get there and there's bright shiny new locks and boarding!

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