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Report - - Wesham Hospital Rehabilitation Unit, Lancashire - July 2020 | Asylums and Hospitals | Page 3 |

Report - Wesham Hospital Rehabilitation Unit, Lancashire - July 2020

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Thats a shame. Our entry was very easy and only a couple of weeks ago. (Hidden, but easy.) That's happened to us lots of times though. We get a tip on access then get there and there's bright shiny new locks and boarding!
Big metal sheets on the front by any chance ?


Big metal sheets on the front by any chance ?

At Ormskirk? It was mostly wooden boards at the front. All quite solid though. We parked in the actual car park as it looked as though other residents were leaving their cars there instead of on the street. It took a little while to find the only one with a board missing but it was there. If someone has been and boarded it up since that's not surprising. A lot of people said they went right after our report went up and the front faces a residential street. Not everyone is as discreet as we were ....

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