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Urban Exploring Videos

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Video - ROC - Lancashire - September 2017

This is a video of a Royal Observer Corps and a VHF Omidirectional Transmitter. It's only 2 mins long, but gives you an idea of the place. I can't believe how small it was, and it had 3 beds.... cosy.
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Video - Megatron by Dinghy Sept 2017

I did a report on this in May 2017, this is the video version. I recently tried to put a couple of videos of drain and culvert exploration on, but they were rejected I believe.
If this is not good enough please give me some feedback on what is required, I have had it on YouTube for a week and its got 15000 view already.
It basically covers exploring the deep end of Megatron using a Dinghy. First by carrying the dinghy deep into Megatron and paddling to the weir, which is 8 foot high and too steep to climb, then part 2 is paddling up the Don and entering the Megatron outlet and paddling up to the weir.
Feedback please of what you want or have I put in on incorrectly?
Thanks Pat Dickinson ( TORCHLIGHT )

Video - Extwistle Hall, Burnley - September 2017

Hello, I made this video of my explore around Extwistle Hall in Burnley. The building is a mess. It was on the market for a cool £500k, but has recently been taken off the market. I don't think anyone would have the funds to bring it back to its former glory.

Video - Paper Mill - Rishton - May 2015

This is more a collection of photos in video form... I visited this place back in 2015. Enjoy!


Video - St. Mary's Infirmary Melton Mowbray Oct '17

First off shout out to @Punk had no idea he could've lent us a hand on this one, ironic as it was his treads that lead me here, now he's mad at me;)

with that out the way let me lay down the lore:
The History

" Gracefully stolen from another report "​

The Workhouse was built in 1836 on the east side of Melton on Thorpe End Road, comprising four wards and spacious yards. It is now St. Mary's Hospital and still serving the local area.
When it was built it cost £6000 and was designed to house three hundred people.According to White's trade directory of 1846, it rarely housed more than half of that number at that time.
The workhouse was somewhere poor people in the area could go. In return for food and clothing they were given work to do. The former workhouse later became St Mary's Hospital.

The site I entered was the infirmary and for the brief time i spent there, as some goober set off the alarm and we instinctively bailed, It was a fun adventure filled with puzzles and interesting pictures, although i only managed to take 2 given the whole alarm scenario, mainly of x-rays that i found strewn about the place. although they are not the best quality given the circumstances so i'll probably not post them :(

hopefully there's a round two in the near future and I'll get some sexy snaps.....

I apologise profusely:coat

Video - Park Hall Road House, Chorley, September 2017

Video - DeScent. RIP. Tribute Video

Details in video.
DeScent drowned tragically (is there any other way) in a Brisbane drain as a result of a flash flood.

Video - Abandoned Mine- Beeston, Nottingham

So I went out on a simple dog walk not too long back, and happened to come across what looked like an old mine, or quarry. I did lots of research, and looked on various maps to see what it was, but found nothing. Eventually I decided to ask the locals, but some were just as clueless. One man told me it was a gold mine, another that it was a quarry, however the vast majority (3 people) claimed it was an old copper mine which later turned into an electric works, which is pretty precise, so I'm guessing they knew what they were talking about.
Anyway I explored all of the buildings, but couldn't locate the actual mine shaft, just a small cave. It was an interesting location, I would just love to know more about the place.
This is my first post anyway, so I hope you like it! The full explore is on YouTube here, I'm currently trying to upload images but can't work out how...

Video - Sheffield's River Porter Culverts Sept 2017

Hi I have done a photographic explore of the river Porter culverts under UK draining forum but I like making videos so this is a video version utilizing some of the original photos.
The culverts about 6 of them are of varied construction and age, varying from early Victorian to 1940,s
Also featured is the collapsed section in Decathlon car park 10 months later and still not repaired, what would the Victorian builders think.
Finally we end up under platform 5 of the Sheffield Railway Station, the start of the Megatron complex
Hope you enjoy it, Pat Dickinson, aka " TORCHLIGHT

Video - The Ambassador Hotel, Blackpool, September 2017
