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Urban Exploring Videos

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Video - ROF Featherstone


Here is a video featuring some photos from my trip to ROF Featherstone, Ammunition Filling Factory NO.7

The place is beyond repair and is a complete tip, i am aware the site will be turned into a housing estate.

I hope you all enjoy.

P.S. Its in 4K

Video - Aldgate Place Crane Climb - Nov 2015

Did this site with @Tk.z.t and @PatientTheory . Took a while to get in the site and navigate around to find the right building/crane. The crane did not seem very sturdy for how tall it was, and when I climbed the jib it started swaying back and forth. Good times! Check the video.

Video - Abandoned Ammunition Filling Factory Noº7

Heres my exploration video at ROF Featherston, Factory Noº7

Video - Animation "Heart of Dust"

Hi, I wasn't sure if this would be the relevant thread, but I made a stop motion/hand drawn animation using my photography from various abandoned locations as the backgrounds (Hartwood Asylum, Whittingham Asylum, Denbigh Asylum, Thornton Fever Hospital, etc.)

I also built a set to resemble an abandoned room in an asylum. The film was inspired by the histories of the old asylums and various patients' stories. I wanted to capture the atmosphere of the locations in the animation.

Hope you enjoy!

Video - Merano Residences (Revisit)- London - May 2016

Despite only being 85m this site has amazing views over London. It's also very architecturally appealing and has really nice cladding. Really happy I was able to get the crane done. I have done it twice for sunset now, and then once right after sunset to climb the crane. If you haven't done it, for fuck's sake, do it. Definitely my favourite construction site in London at the moment. Check the vid.

Thanks for looking,

Video - White Collar Factory Crane Climb - London - April 2016

~Th3 Exploar~

Been a while before I've been able to climb a crane. Keep on almost getting fucked by security and having to sprint out of sites. Anyways, here is a climb from a certain recent saturday sunset. I honestly don't know how we didn't get caught because we were seen by soooo many people. Didn't bring my actual camera up there because I didn't think I would have enough time to take pics, so I just recorded on gopro. One of the best sunsets I've ever seen! Check the vid. Visited with @dus.ta

Yours Truly,
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Video - Shredded Wheat - Stevenage -March '16

so we all agreed after seeing a report on this the other day it looked a bit old skool peely paint galore open world loose yourself and your mates exploring so after location 1 we called in at Welwyn Garden City Hospital much fail plan B "Shreddies" did not disappoint 10/10 would derp again!

sadly its just a few clips put together shot on a budget cam, still life report coming in a week or so

Video - Thoresby Colliery - March '16

Recently I've been trying a bit of motion picture with a cheap action cam type thing and piecing together the clips in iMovie unfortunately it always seems to loose the sound but the camera mic is pretty useless anyway!

Thoresby colliery opened in 1925.

The first two shafts in 1925 were sunk to 690 metres (2,260 ft). The shafts were deepended by 109 metres (358 ft) in the 1950s. After privatization of the National Coal Board in the 1990s the mine was taken over by RJB Mining (later UK Coal as UK Coal Thoresby Ltd).

Coal seams worked by or available to the pit included the Parkgate seam (from 1977 after closure of Ollerton Colliery); the Deep Soft seam; and the High Hazels seam (working ceased 1983).

In April 2014 it was announced that the pit would close July 2015. The colliery's 600 employees had been reduced to 360 by the time of the closure in July 2015.

great morning mooching around with Goldie87 & MD

Video - St Joseph's seminary 2015


Video - ODEON Aylesbury (#Savetheodeon) - Sept 2015
