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Report - - RAF Spadeadam abandoned plane, helicopter & more. 09.05.21 0600hrs | Military Sites |

Report - RAF Spadeadam abandoned plane, helicopter & more. 09.05.21 0600hrs

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Date: 09 May 2021 0600hrs. Just wanted to share my pictures of this as I haven’t seen many threads regarding this site.
You can find out the history behind it pretty easy but not many photos - especially information around Russian Hide people tend to miss! So here are my pictures featuring my German Shepherd pup. If you are interested in the route I took please find in the photos where I parked (marked red) and the site of the Hide Helicopter (marked yellow) it’s quiet a hike but easy to orientate yourself from the maps screenshot. Once you hit the initial “Do not enter MOD” sign around a mile away from where you parked. if you keep going around another mile or so you’ll come across the helicopter and in the distance you can clearly see the airfield. You can continue along the track but because of the signage I just walked across the marshland and through the forest and of course over the small river just in case there was any type of patrol vehicles to avoid detection and a possible fine for trespassing. You won’t be disappointed it’s a cracking explore. You can check the government website for the timetable regarding live firing over the area as it is a live range actively used by the military. If you’re fit it’ll take you couple of hours total. Just wear appropriate clothing and footwear. All images are taken by me but feel free to use them for whatever you please. I did have more images but could only attach so much. Enjoy



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Regular User
Hi and thanks for your first posting.
There are a couple of posts you should read before you go forward as they explain some things which are 'required', suggested and plain helpful. See the sticky threads in:

You must include some history (which doesn't mean ripping it off the previous posts about Spade or cut and paste of wankipaedia). Had you done some research you'd know that the egg beater is a 'Hind' (NATO name for them not the manufacturers).
We don't talk about access have explained how you committed criminal trespass

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Lovely photos. But as above some history behind the airfield would be great. And yep we don't write about our access, never know who's lurking on here. Needs a mth & yr popping in title too all for formatting reasons & guideline reasons.

But well done on your 1st report, always the tricky one. And a warm welcome to 28DL too. Regards CJ

Bertie Bollockbrains

There is no pain
Regular User
The helicopter is a Soviet Mil-24 Hind... not Hide as you said. Introduced in the 1970s, still in production.

FIrst aircraft seen are 1950s-era American built Lockheed T-33 Shooting Stars, used by many countries as a jet trainer. The ones here are ex-Belgian Air Force.

Russian built SU-22 fighter-bomber the one with the stripey paintwork. This one is ex-German Air Force.

And the silver ones with the air inlet hole right at the front (one of which is marked 8-MR), 1950s-era French made Dassult Mystere IV, they were bought in large numbers by Israel and used operationally there in the six-day war. Although these arent Israeli.

I have got no idea what type of dog that is - I'm not a spotter

Full decoy list at this site...
FT-01 T-33A ex Belgium Airforce
FT-02 T-33A ex Belgium Airforce
FT-06 T-33A ex Belgium Airforce
FT-07 T-33A ex Belgium Airforce
FT-10 T-33A ex Belgium Airforce
FT-11 T-33A ex Belgium Airforce
FT-29 T-33A ex Belgium Airforce
61 Mystere IVA ex French Airforce
64 Mystere IVA ex French Airforce
81 Mystere IVA ex French Airforce
139 Mystere IVA ex French Airforce
180 Mystere IVA ex French Airforce
184 Mystere IVA ex French Airforce
207 Mystere IVA ex French Airforce
282 Mystere IVA ex French Airforce
98+10 Sukkoi SU-22M-4 ex German Airforce
Mil-24 Hind
Last edited:


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Absolutely love the dog photos, looks like he enjoyed it as much as you did! Should definitely start a dogs at spadeadam thread, think the place has seen a few friendly visitors . Show us more of his exploring career in the future!
Will do thank you. She's only 7 month so still has many years of exploring lol (hopefully)


28DL Member
28DL Member
great pics and some good memories. I was involved in transporting those T33s back in my RAF days. If I recall correctly there was some hoo ha at the time as drugs were found in one of the planes . Also recall exploring the missile test site there.....


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
These are genuinely one of the best portfolio photos I've seen and not just because Wonderful Woof is photogenic. The composition is spot on.
However, So is the legal advice here, to go on the side of caution re mod/moj trespass. I chose not to do this activitely mostly now owing to exactly the past 15 years of new anti everything laws. I do Civics. I'm one of the ones folks occasionally call when they have these legal issues and do the court thing. Self preservation first. Your dog baby for one needs you. You both have some grand walkies ahead. Barks n ear rubs

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