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Question - what your biggest "oh s**t " moment?

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Goes where the Buddleia grows
Regular User
London Chest Hospital is definitely one, as everyone who's been can vouch for. Another good one was getting stranded by the tide going out sooner than expected on Hoo Island, had to forage a few snacks and wait hours till I could canoe back in the dark. We nearly got stuck in the mud missing the slipway. Also genuinely nearly drowned once mudlarking in the Thames as a kid, again cut off by the tide. Fuck, it's all sea related. Don't mess with it.

Another recent one that happened I've just remembered. Went to throw my bag over a barbed wire fence and it got caught, so had to cling onto it and untangle it. Ended up with three holes in a row on my leg I never noticed till I got home. Almost got a tetanus booster but it didnt seem too bad so i waited it out
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Crusty Juggler
Staff member
Not me personally but I recall an old explorer losing her car keys at 3am in West Park. She had to ring her dad to come out with a spare set.. 3 hour drive.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Just a few weeks ago in an unstable mine, we were looking up at huge a block that was defying gravity, we noticed behind the block the gap went pretty far and in that moment we could hear some small stones dumbling behind it, pretty much shit my pants and nearly fell over getting out of the line of fire.


Regular User
The sudden realisation that you have the shits whilst exploring would probably be up there… not ideal in the slightest
I got struck down with the shits when exploring wolverton years ago. For anyone that went there, you’ll know the floors are dodgy all over. I found myself a nice obscure corner to die it, dropped trou, my foot went through the floor.

Nervous urbex poos are definitely a thing

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Too many to remember but recent one was losing phone in a mine! it was flat walk but 3ft in water which we had by this time churned up.
phone had bank card in case too! by some miracle we found it through the murk, it even had the decency to work for another 12hr allowing me to at least get everything off it before eventually dying.
I now have one of these, best £150 iv spent


Professional Twat
28DL Full Member
Have you ever had a oh s**t moment while exploring if so then put your experience down below.
Both fletchers

First time I was trying to squeeze through one of the big doors and let me tell you I NEARLY did it, I turn around to tell me friend we can get through and there’s a very pissed off looking security guy. God knows how long he was there but the walk away was embarrassing

Second time was fletchers again, bolted it to through the courtyard to get behind the building and all my mate says is ‘there’s a van’. Not only that but he parked it right in front of the platform we were hiding on, and got out started hunting around. Waited about 10 minutes for him to leave but goddamn was I shitting it

Ik full well he saw us, he probably couldn’t be arsed dealing with us but still


Crusty Juggler
Staff member
Both fletchers

First time I was trying to squeeze through one of the big doors and let me tell you I NEARLY did it, I turn around to tell me friend we can get through and there’s a very pissed off looking security guy. God knows how long he was there but the walk away was embarrassing

Second time was fletchers again, bolted it to through the courtyard to get behind the building and all my mate says is ‘there’s a van’. Not only that but he parked it right in front of the platform we were hiding on, and got out started hunting around. Waited about 10 minutes for him to leave but goddamn was I shitting it

Ik full well he saw us, he probably couldn’t be arsed dealing with us but still

Always remember back in the day at Fletchers when the power was nearly completely on still - 415V was arcing onto the door frame at one of mixing rooms at the back that you typically walked through. Be a nice bolt to wake you up..


Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
Greenwich power stations alarm for sure. Never set a louder alarm off in a dodgier place in a harder to get out of spot.. Then Kev nearly fell through the roof of the coal bunker to calm the nerves :rofl

Bonus points to

- Falling off the shard into the path of an oncoming taxi
- Standing on the BOS plant gantry crane after being in there 5mins and suddenly a guy in full hi viz walks round the corner and asks who you are.
- Jumping off the rope ladder onto the stage of Burnley empire and going straight through
- Fire door closing behind us in Worcester Gaumont and then realising we were locked in the stairwell
- Propping a door open at Cottam then accidently smashing a brand new lock off an adjacent door into the control room that was open the day before. Deciding it was better to retreat only to find the door we had just propped barely yards away had been closed by someone.. Then legging it to find every Hilux on site circling our vague area and siting in a hole for an hour before they inevitably shone a torch in our face.
- Seeing headlights approaching fast at Redcar coke works, ducking behind a concrete block, hearing Hilux stop on the other side of block expecting doors to open and shouting to ensue (but it never did)
- Climbing the fence at Cottam before we realised it had a rumbler then hearing the crackle of radios after only 2 out of 3 of us were over. Laying in the dirt while Hilux passed thinking it must be a routine patrol only for then to get 100yards further up and turn around and start shouting
- First time walking up to the fence at West Burton in darkness and every single floodlight on the whole site flicks on in unison
- Climbing into St Andrews hospital in London, stepping out into a massively long corridor at the exact same time as security right at the other end, shouting sorry at him then trying to get back out the tiny 2nd floor window before he gets there...
- Walking out of Xylonite with half the factory archive under my arm and hearing voices 2 seconds before i was about to walk out onto the road. Turned out police had hidden behind a bush but a local dog walker had wandered passed just at the right moment and said hello to them. Turned around and went back in until they left.

I could go on!


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
This has got me thinking of other times where you question why and how you find yourselves in these situations.

Over my fifteen years I've had far more than just that one hotel incident.

- The incessant security at Thamesteel who decided to do a full sweep of the building we were in after nagging us for hours on site, I remember watching the guy walk in from my vantage point and somehow despite him doing a full lap of the building he never caught any of us despite myself and Harry being stood basically out in the open.

- Climbing over the fence at ECVB in Belgium onto a load of pipes to then see a hundred or so yards to my left a group of workers cutting up the same pipes I was standing on.

- Narrowly avoiding getting arrested after exploring a derpy shithole of a factory in Buffalo in western NY, it really wasn't worth it.

- Getting myself trapped behind some airlock doors at Eli Lilly in Basingstoke, luckily it was a permission visit so someone came along to untrap me.

- Getting snagged on something and dangling upside down halfway through a tiny window at the Granada in Aylesbury and not being able to move forward or backwards.

- Realising the upstairs floor I was standing on at Hawick Cottage Hospital wasn't actually attached to anything, I've never left a building so fast.

- Being caught in a large thunderstorm in a field full of big metal machinery with no cover.

Like Speed I could probably go on and on.

Exploring With Pride 🌈

Exploring with pride in more ways than one
28DL Full Member
From the top of my head, going through the floor at Shoreham and only staying up by my camera tripod.

Others to note:
- Walking through a drain then realising that there were snakes inside. Didn't really fancy finding out if it was an adder.
- Nearly falling head first into a sink at Bassaleg Mortuary whilst solo.
- Nearly falling between a set of airstairs and an aircraft.
- Shredding my trouser leg off, and almost off my leg, just as I got into St Joseph's seminary on a very cold spring-day.
- Dangling from a fence upside down with no way of getting down. (numerous occasions)
Ouch them floors are quite high how bad was it? I hated walking along the kiln walkways dont like mesh u can see through or the drop below lol

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