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Question - what your biggest "oh s**t " moment?

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28DL Regular User
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Going through the floor at Dalton mill. My own fault for going to near the green bit. Next thing I was on my arse on a beam watching the floor go a long way down. I quickly scrambled back and honestly was a bit shook up, especially as I was on my own.

Losing my car keys about two hours from home was just shit.

Wanting a dump in a local car dealership in Norwich and having no toilet roll in the bag. Luckily they had some printer paper in an office. I could have never made it home despite being ten mins away.

And trying the officers mess at former RAF Brampton. We did not even get in and see a load of builders everywhere. We were unaware that JSP and Pretty Vacant were inside. We got back to my car and builders surrounded my car with vans and started to get quite rowdy with me whilst my two mates cowered in the back of the car shitting themselves. The police were called and checked out bags and let us on our way. Much to the disappointment of the builders.
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Regular User
So many stories. Good thread.

@jST i remember laying face down in between the palisade fences at Bradford Odeon with you circa 2011 while the 5-0 sat at the traffic lights staring in our direction and Kook and Muttley laughing at us from the other side of the wall. That was hilarious.
Digging in the memory crates there... I recall that quite vividly now, didn't you bring down a massive piece of masonry onto your head when we went over the wall? or was that me?


Crusty Juggler
Staff member
Stepping backwards in the tower at Denbigh years ago to feel my foot go through the floor was definitely an oh shit moment.

Few classic tales I've heard from others like that.

The Riddlers falling through three floors at Cane Hill and somehow surviving.

Disco Kitten breaking her ankle at St Mary's on the ballroom floor

Sheppy busting through a boarded up door of a mill to find himself in someones posh flat living room might be one of the funniest.

Also remember early on at St Cadocs the riddlers opening a window and climbing through only for the firedoor to the right of it suddenly open with a member of staff coming out. We all ran away and straight into a dead end.
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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Inverted myself on the deviation on the 2nd pitch prussicing out of Rhino Rift, learnt the hard way to unclip my panting before any rebelay or deviation.

Fell out of Vicarage Pot, landed on The Landing, broke my collar bone, fell further and came to in Swildons 2 streamway, made sure my buddy came down safely, self rescued back up the streamway, through Sump1 and came to a halt at the bottom of the water rift, cave rescue filled me full of morphine and dragged me out on a donkey dick!!

Exploring an ancient leat to a silver mine in Nevada with T'owd Man we came to a dogy suspension bridge about a foot wide, made of tin to contain the water, held in place by rusty half shafts nailed into the rock I got half way over before the old bastard started to shake the wires! A little bit of poo did come out!!


Irresponsible & Reckless
Regular User
Digging in the memory crates there... I recall that quite vividly now, didn't you bring down a massive piece of masonry onto your head when we went over the wall? or was that me?

You brought the wall down onto your head I believe and I “Climbed with the aid of gravity” down the tree on the other side of the wall and nearly broke my ankle on the rubble. Hobbled around the theatre for the rest of the morning like Keyser Söze.

Entertaining access hah


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I had a really nice "oh shit". We were in an abandoned factory in Belgium and 3 kittens were screaming their heads off at us. So we got them to the local cat rescue. We also tried to trap the mum in a cage we borrowed, she was semi feral, however, we couldn't get her and time ran out.

The Explorer Returns

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Mine was about 4 years ago, old school in Rottingdean/Brighton. Nosey neighbours came out and threatened me with police, didn’t bother me really, went in anyways, 10 minutes later, 15 police with dogs turned up with tasers drawn, very big holy sh*t moment when they kicked the door in lol.
They explained they had reports of an individual shooting fireworks inside the property. they admitted how embarrassed they felt when they realised I was just taking a few pictures, I was let go without charge. genuinely felt I was going down that time..


Regular User
Few classic tales I've heard from others like that.

The Riddlers falling through three floors at Cane Hill and somehow surviving.

Disco Kitten breaking her ankle at St Mary's on the ballroom floor

Sheppy busting through a boarded up door of a mill to find himself in someones posh flat living room might be one of the funniest.

Also remember early on at St Cadocs the riddlers opening a window and climbing through only for the firedoor to the right of it suddenly open with a member of staff coming out. We all ran away and straight into a dead end.

BITD when Graylingwell was part in use, part derelict, Ridds and Sick emerged from the services tunnel into a ward being used as an office lol

I swung myself over a low wall going into West Middlesex Hospital that was waits height on one side, and probably 9 ft on the other side.


g00n Buster
Staff member
Bonus one.

Getting up the water tower at Octel for security to then board it back up with me inside. Solo with a dead phone/no signal (cant remember other than my phone was useless)

Sat it out for em to fuck off, smoked pure tabs.

Then got my size 11’s into action 😂 still it was a long night.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
In the 1970s mooching around a large derelict manor house in South wales having loadsa fun, opened a door to go into another wing of the building when KKKLLLLLAAAANNNG went the alarm!!

Another time early 80s in Gloucester, we managed to lift and open the cellar grate then slid into a derelict public house, it had been shut for a long time when Bang Bang The cops were banging on the door, Come out we know your in there.
We scaled the rear courtyard wall to get away. It was demolished two weeks later.

A huge abandoned derelict farmhouse back in late 70s in south wales, water was getting in and it was in a mess, i got upstairs and walked over the bedroom floor, CRASH!! i went thru the floor and was suspended in a large rug from the ceiling below.

Early 80s in what was the empty Plough Hotel in the High Street Cheltenham. myself and a friend got in it via the cellar grating. it was awesome inside, then we heard voices and a door close.
It was engineers or builders. We hid in a cupboard for about an hour until they had gone. They pulled the hotel down to build a indoor shopping mall, but left the hotel front in situ.

Some many places back then.


Rum Swigger
28DL Full Member
Fell out of Vicarage Pot, landed on The Landing, broke my collar bone, fell further and came to in Swildons 2 streamway, made sure my buddy came down safely, self rescued back up the streamway, through Sump1 and came to a halt at the bottom of the water rift, cave rescue filled me full of morphine and dragged me out on a donkey

‘Kin hell dude


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I have many tales involving the shift in the abdomen from contented peace to 'holy fuck I need to evacuate these bowels right about now' most notable being at Kallo power station in Antwerp and the only available, unlocked toilet resembling the one out of trainspotting with shit after shit on top of eachother, which I added to without any sense of relief.

Others, non scatalogically related:

Tweek and I mooching in a derp (or not derp) mill in Marsden about 10 years ago. We tripped an alarm by opening an electric roller shutter from inside and the angriest man in Yorkshire (Hi Pete) stalked the building for ages searching for us whilst we stood upstairs half hidden in a cupboard with our knees trembling. He called the old bill but I managed to placate him by offering him seggies of my SPLORESNAKK (a satsuma)

Carreau Wendel Coal Washery: One of the plate steel (rusty AF) walkway panels that bridged gaps between machinery and more solid surfaces flipped like a trap door when I walked across it opening a 4 storey chasm to certain painful death below. I managed to grab an equally rusty balustrade that bent under the stress of being asked to support a surprising weight, and by sheer luck, positioning and gravitational momentum I was able to swing myself back around to relative safety. Quite distressing at the time I recall.

West Bromwich Spring Works Those who visited here may recall that access was made by climbing the leading edge of a semi demolished wall that had handily created a toothed brick ladder up to roof level. Some devious soul had doused the edges of the protruding bricks with machine grease. Ascending was fine but throughout the entire explore I was anxiously trying to clock an easier way out to avoid the slippery bricks. To no avail, on descending the greasy bricks my left hand slipped off from what felt like 15-20feet up and was very close to tumbling backward, that was unpleasant.

Walking into security (literally) at Bergwerk West and being shown the door swiftly, in German

Spending 40 mins digging a hole under a fence at ArcelorMittall Hayange with a metal dildo and a shoe before being jumped on by S3CC4 and les Gendarmes "For you, urbex in France, is over"

I'm sure there's more but these are the ones that come to mind with my poor power of mental recall from the last 15 years.
😂🤣 I need to know how this conversation using a Satsuma as bribery went down!


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
Oh man I just remembered another brown pants moment.

Deepest Alabama a couple of years ago. We had spent the day bouncing around locations and having a good time, and then decided to head to an old fire station (at least from what I remember it was, I honestly can't remember 100%). Like a lot of stuff over there, it was wide open - there was a large board ripped off the bottom half of a big garage type door. Above, on the remaining board, someone had spraypainted 'beware of the dogs'. Laughing it off as just the usual scare tactics, we approached the opening, and one of my two friends ducked under and in, and roughly a tenth of a millisecond later an enormous amount of aggressive barking erupted from the darkness somewhere inside. Needless to say we noped out of that incredibly fast.

Another tale involving our furry friends that tbh I'm amazed I forgot about until writing out the above saga - nearly 15 years back me and my friend went to Wispers School in Haslemere which to all intents and purposes was your minty-fresh 'doesn't look closed but is' type of location at the time. No fences, no keep out signs, no on site secca (standard for the day). We made entry very easily and spent about 45 minutes wandering around before finding ourselves in a store room which had a worrying array of items left in the cupboards - large knives, full face masks, jerry cans full of fuel etc. We were rooting around in there when outside the window (covered by blinds) we heard the distinct sound of a car door opening and closing, followed by a boot opening and closing, and then some muffled barking. At this point the first lot of bricks were shat, so we crept out into the corridor to try and ascertain what was going on. Moments later we heard a key turn in a lock on a nearby door so we caned it upstairs and hid, comically, in a shower room listening to the sounds of people and dogs wandering around downstairs. For maybe five minutes we hid there, then decided we should try and get to the other side of the building from where they were beneath us and find a way out.

We found the main staircase and tiptoed down it into the former kitchen/dining room area and - this part I will remember until the day I die - I reached to grab the handle of a door behind the counter and as soon as I touched it, a massive amount of barking and chaos erupted from right behind the door. It was at that point all the other bricks were shat, we ran faster than the speed of sound in the vague direction of the front of the building and found a tiny little hatch type door inset into one of the giant bay windows, threw it open and ran all the way down the drive back to the road. Still to this day I have no idea if it was security, if it was police, or whether whoever it was even knew we were in there if they'd just turned up for some police dog training.

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Losing my car keys about two hours from home was just shit.

Wanting a dump in a local car dealership in Norwich and having no toilet roll in the bag. Luckily they had some printer paper in an office. I could have never made it home despite being ten mins away.
Done that with car keys not that far away admittedly, mate had to come out with metal detector! found em lol

second one is standard practice, Iv used leaves, bits of old curtain u name it,

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