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Question - what your biggest "oh s**t " moment?

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These are great! Save some for the meet in April though!

I was over midland ways a couple years ago with Anna and found a way into a bingo hall not long after it closed. Very small window on the second floor. Got into the staff area and thought all was golden. Went to go and have a quick look for a fire escape to open for Anna when I set the alarm off. I went to make a hasty retreat but the door to the staff area had closed behind me and had locked with one of those combination lock handle things. I spent a good 20 mins looking around for any other way out with no success. In the kitchen I'd found a serated bread knife and was frantically trying to slip the latch on the staff door to get back out. Bare in mind, I'd left my phone with Anna because I couldn't fit through the window with anything in my pockets. Huge mistake, I couldn't tell her what had happened. I could then hear the police arrive and they were frantically trying the fire door next to me while I was trying to flip the latch. They went further round the side of the building and met Anna who was hiding in the alley way round the back. I could hear their whole conversation but was doing my best to get this door open without them hearing. I could hear Anna's excuses and them explaining that the owners had just arrived and were about to open the front shutter for access. Just as they opened the shutter I managed to get the door open and the police went round to access the building. I slipped out the window and back into the darkness as they came running in and just happened to bump into Anna about mile away and an hour later walking around without any idea how we were going to meet up. Proper teckers but none of it was planned :rofl:rofl:rofl. Lessons learnt tho!


28DL Regular User
Regular User
My whole leg going through the floor in Don Saw mills in Sheffield...



I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
Walking into the waiting room of what I thought was an abandoned hospital block and seeing today’s date on the whiteboard…

Did the same thing at what we thought was an abandoned hospital wing on the south coast, got into a building and was walking through a deserted upstairs corridor thinking this looks extremely fresh, went into an office and there was a parcel sitting on a desk that had been delivered the day before :rofl


Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
Ha. Premier plating jigs was one of those. Always looked quite derp. Window out one day, slipped in. First 2 floors seemed quite derp but got to the top floor and there was an office that seemed weirdly fresh. Spotted calender on the desk open to the current month and when I looked at the current date the whole week was just marked 'Ken Torquay'... I guess Ken was just on holiday :rofl

mockney reject

Staff member
Getting trapped in a section of Whitchurch in the early days, that sudden realisation that I had led a door shut behind me without checking the next caused panic.
I wrapped my jumper around my arm and decided to punch a window out in the internal door.

Only for that window to be perspex, flex out of the way and trap my arm between it and the frame.

I eventually managed to remove the panel and reach the lock and get out lol

Another weird one was with @slayaaaa back in 2015/6 at some random closed factory. We checked all the ways in and eventually just climbed over the locked and chained front gate, The place was pretty crap so we didn't stay long, walked back to the gate and it was unlocked. We had a full view of the gate all the time we were there an saw no one lol A proper what the fuck moment

Oh just remembered another one with Slayaaaa actually. we came out of tilbury power station in the early hours of the morning to bump into a bloke hiding in the bushes along the sea wall, literally miles from anywhere. He was in a clean white adidas tracksuit so wasnt an explorer, he kinda walked with us along the sea wall for a while then started telling us that he went there to read, but had no books.
He then went on to tell us all about his girlfriend snapchatting him while she was with another guy.
It got weirder and weirder and felt like we were at any point getting robbed. He eventually talked slayaaa into giving him his number. We were panicking a little as we were getting near the car and he just said " I'm off now" and walked back the way we came lol
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Old Git

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
More of an amusing moment really. Went into an empty local newspaper office in pitch dark-Stupid. into a room and a guy looking at me with a torch. I say oi who are you . No answer. I shine my torch in his face. He shines his torch in my face.
It was my own reflection in a large mirror in what turned out to be the ladies toilet.

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Guy I know did Kettering police station years ago just after / during their move.
He got in a window & after a while of exploring walked into a room full of policemen!
He lost his camera gear for about 18months, on its return they had not even looked at it just did it to piss him off.
Bet that was a real oh shit moment though.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Back in 2017 when I was a bit of a goon and only starting to get into the hobby, I came across a boarded-up house in my local city. Me and a couple of mates went one night and hopped the entrance gate, the house was fully boarded and there was an A4 piece of paper stuck to one of the boards that said 'THIS HOUSE IS OCCUPIED!'. We didn't think anything of it and assumed it was just locals who put it there to stop urbexers poking around. We then walked around the house to find a point of entry, then all of a sudden there was a loud knock from inside. Squatters. We legged it and then walked past the house again ten minutes later (stupid idea), we stood there for a few moments (on the public path, not on the house grounds) then all of a sudden there was a loud bang and one of the squatters kicked open the front door and chased us with a crowbar or some other large metal object. Thankfully, he blundered over when making a left up the road. We were so shook up we knocked on a random person's door (expensive area), they let us in and offered us a drink and we chatted with them for a bit. To avoid walking past the house again, they let us go out the back of their garden so we could head back to our car which was parked at a nearby supermarket,


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I've just remembered my biggest one, can't believe i forgot it :face

I had got inside Courtaulds hosiery factory via a very awkward way and decided to check for an easier exit as didn't fancy going the same way back out, went in a nearby office and found a top window that was open and i could climb out so left the handle up, explored the rest of the place for a good 2 hours, as i got back to where i came in i was exploring the last bit before leaving when i thought i heard voices, didn't think much of it as there was a road exactly outside so thought it was just someone walking past until i heard keys unlocking the door :eek: i turned my torch off and made my way back to the office where i had found the window, i could see flashlights flashing around behind me as they started their search just as i got to the office, opening the world squeakiest door i climbed on a desk and quickly pushed the window open and squeezed out and closed it after me, as i look behind me there are another 2 blokes with torches checking the outside of the factory further down but luckily they hadnt seen me, i walked to some bushes where i came in holding my pockets to stop my keys making any sound seeing flashes of light from behind me expecting a shout at any moment but it never came, as soon as i got to the bushes i legged it back to the road and safety! :)

mockney reject

Staff member
Guy I know did Kettering police station years ago just after / during their move.
He got in a window & after a while of exploring walked into a room full of policemen!
He lost his camera gear for about 18months, on its return they had not even looked at it just did it to piss him off.
Bet that was a real oh shit moment though.
lol i remember that happening


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
A number of years ago I went on a trip to the then recently closed Anechoic Chamber at the old Pyestock site. It started out poorly when we saw the usually swiss cheese northern border fence had recently had all the holes patched so we ended up walking the entire western perimeter only finding one small hole down where the offices were at the southern end of the site so we had to then walk the entire length of Pyestock across where all the buildings used to be which was sad in itself.

We got to the chamber after a fashion and found the easy way in had also recently been secured. We then climbed through an awkward window into the control room building next to it and found the tunnel underneath which like I'm sure many people here knows, didn't actually allow you to get into the chamber from it. In desperation we climbed up to the roof and were looking around, and I decided to drop through a roof hatch onto the metal grated platform beneath. All very good but a) it didn't lead anywhere and b) on returning to the hatch I realised I couldn't get out. For about ten minutes I tried to grab hold of anything I could to pull myself out of the hatch but as I'm not the most fit person in the world my upper body strength simply wasn't enough on it's own. In a little bit of blind panic I began looking around the platform for something to use as a step but instead much to my relief found a small hidden ladder in the corner which brought me back up through a door onto the roof. Honestly thought I'd be trapped in there forever.

The visit ended with us stood on the incredibly noisy railway hardcore that covered the area where the exhausts came out, with security walking past the fence too busy on his phone to notice the two idiots trying not to make any noise as he walked past oblivious.


Regular User
A number of years ago I went on a trip to the then recently closed Anechoic Chamber at the old Pyestock site. It started out poorly when we saw the usually swiss cheese northern border fence had recently had all the holes patched so we ended up walking the entire western perimeter only finding one small hole down where the offices were at the southern end of the site so we had to then walk the entire length of Pyestock across where all the buildings used to be which was sad in itself.

We got to the chamber after a fashion and found the easy way in had also recently been secured. We then climbed through an awkward window into the control room building next to it and found the tunnel underneath which like I'm sure many people here knows, didn't actually allow you to get into the chamber from it. In desperation we climbed up to the roof and were looking around, and I decided to drop through a roof hatch onto the metal grated platform beneath. All very good but a) it didn't lead anywhere and b) on returning to the hatch I realised I couldn't get out. For about ten minutes I tried to grab hold of anything I could to pull myself out of the hatch but as I'm not the most fit person in the world my upper body strength simply wasn't enough on it's own. In a little bit of blind panic I began looking around the platform for something to use as a step but instead much to my relief found a small hidden ladder in the corner which brought me back up through a door onto the roof. Honestly thought I'd be trapped in there forever.

The visit ended with us stood on the incredibly noisy railway hardcore that covered the area where the exhausts came out, with security walking past the fence too busy on his phone to notice the two idiots trying not to make any noise as he walked past oblivious.
When we went to the anechoic chamber, my Bro and I spent 5 minutes squashed into a nook as the security guard had parked right outside. My heart race got worse when we went inside and the fire alarm was beeping, spent the whole explore thinking the alarm was about to go off lol. Not quite an oh shit moment, think my heart rate has only just come back down

Exploring with Andy

Behind Closed Doors
Staff member
I guess my biggest oh shit moment would be after we found the entrance into the chimney at Eggborough power station to be open. The padlock was missing so we went in and headed up to the top. We hadn't been up there for long when we noticed security as they did their regular patrol, then watched as they stopped off at the bottom of the chimney. Next thing we know, the police arrive, make their way through the site and also park up at the chimney. It was clear they had no idea anyone was up there, but they, like we had done a little earlier, had discovered the missing padlock. We finished up taking photos and headed down to discover the inevitable... They had re-secured the door and locked us in. As hard as we tried, there was no possibility of finding another way out. The solid metal doors were the only way through the concrete base of the chimney, and with all the locking mechanisms being on the outside we had no chance of opening it. We ended up having to call the police and explain the situation, having them come back to inform security that we were in there. The police were sound with us, and told us that the security staff had seen pikies on site the night before who had removed a few locks to let themselves in. They gave us a lift back to the car and we were on our way.

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