These are great! Save some for the meet in April though!
I was over midland ways a couple years ago with Anna and found a way into a bingo hall not long after it closed. Very small window on the second floor. Got into the staff area and thought all was golden. Went to go and have a quick look for a fire escape to open for Anna when I set the alarm off. I went to make a hasty retreat but the door to the staff area had closed behind me and had locked with one of those combination lock handle things. I spent a good 20 mins looking around for any other way out with no success. In the kitchen I'd found a serated bread knife and was frantically trying to slip the latch on the staff door to get back out. Bare in mind, I'd left my phone with Anna because I couldn't fit through the window with anything in my pockets. Huge mistake, I couldn't tell her what had happened. I could then hear the police arrive and they were frantically trying the fire door next to me while I was trying to flip the latch. They went further round the side of the building and met Anna who was hiding in the alley way round the back. I could hear their whole conversation but was doing my best to get this door open without them hearing. I could hear Anna's excuses and them explaining that the owners had just arrived and were about to open the front shutter for access. Just as they opened the shutter I managed to get the door open and the police went round to access the building. I slipped out the window and back into the darkness as they came running in and just happened to bump into Anna about mile away and an hour later walking around without any idea how we were going to meet up. Proper teckers but none of it was planned

. Lessons learnt tho!
I was over midland ways a couple years ago with Anna and found a way into a bingo hall not long after it closed. Very small window on the second floor. Got into the staff area and thought all was golden. Went to go and have a quick look for a fire escape to open for Anna when I set the alarm off. I went to make a hasty retreat but the door to the staff area had closed behind me and had locked with one of those combination lock handle things. I spent a good 20 mins looking around for any other way out with no success. In the kitchen I'd found a serated bread knife and was frantically trying to slip the latch on the staff door to get back out. Bare in mind, I'd left my phone with Anna because I couldn't fit through the window with anything in my pockets. Huge mistake, I couldn't tell her what had happened. I could then hear the police arrive and they were frantically trying the fire door next to me while I was trying to flip the latch. They went further round the side of the building and met Anna who was hiding in the alley way round the back. I could hear their whole conversation but was doing my best to get this door open without them hearing. I could hear Anna's excuses and them explaining that the owners had just arrived and were about to open the front shutter for access. Just as they opened the shutter I managed to get the door open and the police went round to access the building. I slipped out the window and back into the darkness as they came running in and just happened to bump into Anna about mile away and an hour later walking around without any idea how we were going to meet up. Proper teckers but none of it was planned