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Report - - North Staffordshire Royal Infirmary, Stoke on Trent - April 2019 | Asylums and Hospitals | Page 2 |

Report - North Staffordshire Royal Infirmary, Stoke on Trent - April 2019

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Lord Oort

Fear is the little death
Regular User
Ahh goontubers, wish I hadn't of said anything now.

Yeah knock yourselves out the place is wide open!

They can try and pin criminal damage on you all they like, but unless they have any concrete evidence against you then I don’t see why you wouldn’t just close the door on them. There’s no way they’d ever secure a conviction (or even attempt to) if the only evidence they have is ‘you’ve been on site at some point over the past few months!!’ so I don’t think there’s too much to worry about.

Unless I’m being naive??

Almost certainly, just pointing out the score with this place at the moment. Quite a few ASBO's have been handed out to people caught there though and the NHS do seem to have a bug up there arse about this site for some reason.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
The one and only :banghead
Oh you’re very mature aren’t you digging genuine photographers and videographers for doing exactly what the majority of people on here do anyway. My advice,
Grow up, and focus on the REAL problems in this world. You clearly are quite a snowflake and are easily offended.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
They can try and pin criminal damage on you all they like, but unless they have any concrete evidence against you then I don’t see why you wouldn’t just close the door on them. There’s no way they’d ever secure a conviction (or even attempt to) if the only evidence they have is ‘you’ve been on site at some point over the past few months!!’ so I don’t think there’s too much to worry about.

Unless I’m being naive??
Nah I wouldn’t say you’re being naive. What happens happens really. We will wait and see. Nothing has happened just yet lol.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Oh you’re very mature aren’t you digging genuine photographers and videographers for doing exactly what the majority of people on here do anyway. My advice,
Grow up, and focus on the REAL problems in this world. You clearly are quite a snowflake and are easily offended.
Not offended in the slightest. However I really do detect a slight irony in your reply.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Sorry to disturb this feed. I managed to get in this place once (I have a report up). Not seen much about it for a good time, is this place still doable? I have a friend who would love to see inside and to be frank I would die to get back inside as I cut my time short when I went with it being late (regrettably)

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